
easy sync your code with remote server, install with ----- npm install -g easy-sync2

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This tool is used to sync your dev code to remote test server.


Why easy-sync?

I'm a web developer. Sometimes wrote some php scripts or backend templates. These scripts have no need to compile, all i have to do is, copy to the test server, refresh the webpage or use curl to test the interface.

Below is how i do to copy the files to the remote test server:

scp -p 6666 test.php root@
# then enter the remote server password

The copy step will be verbose when you edit very often. Type the scp command, then input the server password. Sometimes unacceptable!

What if i edited a file, some tool will help me copy to the test server without password? Sounds nice!

How to use?


  • Node^6.9
  • sshpass

install the tool

npm install -g easy-sync2

config your sessions /root/.easy-sync.rc

  user: root
  port: 61209
  password: xxxx
  local-path: ~/app
  remote-path: /var/www/app

watch and sync your code

easy-sync -s -n dev  # sync code


init remote server

easy-sync -in dev

check easy-sync version

easy-sync -V

watch and sync your code

easy-sync -sn dev

check sesion conf

easy-snc -l [sessionName]

get sshPass login cmd

easy-sync -S -name dev

# output : sshpass -p password ssh -p port  user@host