
Puppet code for deploying and configuring Tomcat on Debian-like servers.

Primary LanguagePuppetApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Puppet code for deploying and configuring Tomcat multi-instance on Debian-like servers.


'ripienaar/concat', '>=0.2.0'
'klangrud/profile_d', '>=0.0.1'
'proteon/maven', '>=1.0.1'
'proteon/java', '>=0.1.6'

Basic usage

To install Tomcat (optional)

include tomcat

Configure an instance

To create an instance

tomcat::instance { 'tomcat_1': }

A slightly more complicated example

tomcat::instance { 'tomcat_2':
  shutdown_port => '18005',
  apr_enabled   => false,
  min_heap      => '1024m',
  max_heap      => '2048m',
  min_perm      => '384m',
  max_perm      => '512m',
  unpack_wars   => false,
  auto_deploy   => false,
  java_version  => 'oracle_1_8_0',
  catalina_opts => ['-server, '-XX:+UseParNewGC', '-XX:ParallelGCThreads=2'],

Install a web application

To install a web application (.war)

tomcat::webapp { 'ROOT': 
  instance   => 'tomcat_02',
  source	 => 'puppet:///yourapplication/downloadable.war',

Install a web application from a maven repository

To install a web application (.war) from a maven artifact repository

tomcat::webapp::maven { 'testapplication': 
  instance   => 'tomcat_01',
  groupid    => 'com.yourcompany.project',
  artifactid => 'yourwebapp',
  version    => '1.0.0-SNAPSHOT',
  repos	 => ['http://maven.yourcompany.com/'],

Configure a jndi record for an instance

To add a database resource

tomcat::jndi::database { 'jdbc/database':
  instance    => 'tomcat_3',
  username    => 'root',
  password    => 'root',
  driver      => 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'
  url         => 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/database',

To add a mysql database resource

tomcat::jndi::database::mysql { 'jdbc/mysqldb':
  instance    		 => 'tomcat_1',
  database	  		 => 'database_01',
  username	  		 => 'dbuser',
  password	  		 => 'qwerty',
  host        		 => 'db_server_1',
  use_unicode 		 => false,
  character_encoding => 'UTF-8',

To add an environment variable

tomcat::jndi::environment { 'greeting':
  instance    => 'tomcat_3',
  env_value   => 'hello world',

Configure a connector for an instance

This example will only enable the AJP connector for this instance, because the connector resource has the same title as the instance. Keep in mind that this won't create the default http connector it would when not specifying any connector.

tomcat::connector::ajp { 'tomcat_1':
  instance	=> 'tomcat_1',
  port 	=> 8009,

tomcat::instance { 'tomcat_1': }

Configure a realm (authentication) for an instance

To add a userdatabase with the 'MemoryUserDatabaseFactory' (tomcat-users.xml)

tomcat::realm::userdatabase { 'tomcat_1_userdatabase_realm':
  instance => 'tomcat_1'

Add roles to the userdatabase

tomcat::realm::userdatabase::role { ['role_1','manager-gui','admin-gui']: }

Add a user to the userdatabase (this example allows this user to use the manager applications)

tomcat::realm::userdatabase::user { 'user_1':
  instance => 'tomcat_1',
  password => '1_tacmot',
  roles    => 'manager-gui,admin-gui',

Configure clustering for an instance

To add simple clustering for instances

tomcat::cluster::simple { ['tomcat_1','tomcat_2','tomcat_3']: }

Configure the tomcat manager and host-manager

To add the manager applications for instances

tomcat::webapp::manager { ['tomcat_1','tomcat_2']:}

This will make them available at /manager and /host-manager

Configure the tomcat docs

To add the docs for instances

tomcat::webapp::docs { 'tomcat_1':}

This will make them available at /docs

Configure the tomcat example applications

To add the example applications for instances

tomcat::webapp::examples { 'tomcat_1':}

This will make them available at /examples

Upgrading / downgrading web-applications and libraries

When upgrading or downgrading applications installed using maven just update the artifact version number. In case of a ROOT application upgrade, the module will stop tomcat, remove the deployed application, clear out the temp and work directories and restart tomcat.