Tennis service


This project uses sbt. You can use intellij -> Open and point to the folder to import the project.


To run the service you can use

sbt run

To install sbt refer to this guide []

To run the tests you can use

sbt clean test

Trying the service

  • Create a new game

    curl -XPOST -d '{ \ "playerOne" : {"name" : "Elvis"}, \ "playerTwo" : {"name" : "John"} \ }' \ --header "Content-type:application/json"

You should get back an identifier

  • Get match details back


Example response:

  "playerOne": {
    "name": "Elvis"
  "playerTwo": {
    "name": "John"
  "status": "Ongoing",
  "durationInSec": 45,
  "score": {
    "sets": [
        "games": [
            "playerOne": {
              "player": {
                "name": "Elvis"
              "points": 0,
              "advantage": false
            "playerTwo": {
              "player": {
                "name": "John"
              "points": 0,
              "advantage": false
  • Update the score:

    curl -XPOST -d '{"scoring" : { "name" : "Elvis"}}'

You should get back a response like the following (current game):

  "game": {
    "playerOne": {
      "player": {
        "name": "Elvis"
      "points": 15,
      "advantage": false
    "playerTwo": {
      "player": {
        "name": "John"
      "points": 0,
      "advantage": false

Some comments

This service is currently using a memory based DAO. It should be fairly simple to implement a SQL / NoSQL implementation of it. I preferred to focus on the service and the actual logic.


The code is split in the following packages:

  • dao: The data access objects
  • models: The API data model used
  • service: The service itself with the API and the business logic for the tennisService
  • main class: used to run the service

This service is using spray and akka