- 11
On destroy, Integer returned instead of object
#365 opened by andreierdoss - 2
Urgent Help : Duplicate key entry
#366 opened by nayanzin3sergey - 12
Devise & Sign-in then trigger grant_on
#364 opened by pixelRena - 2
Error on create merit_actions migration file
#358 opened by SchaferF - 3
Broken for Rails 4.2: Unknown key: :optional. Valid keys are: :class_name, :anonymous_class, :foreign_key, :validate, :autosave, :dependent, :primary_key, :inverse_of, :required, :foreign_type, :polymorphic, :touch, :counter_cache (ArgumentError)
#301 opened by starrychloe - 7
Error every time code changes
#360 opened by ephracis - 1
do not support grape?
#361 opened by renji001 - 6
- 2
Missing index on merit_actions table for processed
#355 opened by adrienpoly - 11
- 3
subtract_points is not working
#353 opened by scottcmerritt - 18
- 2
Cannot install on model with existing property: PG::DuplicateColumn: ERROR: column "level" of relation "users" already exists
#302 opened by starrychloe - 3
- 5
- 3
Can I avoid unnecessary eager loading? [Bullet]
#316 opened by hcyildirim - 3
- 3
Deprecation warning: Expected string default value for '--orm'; got false (boolean).
#346 opened by burmashave - 4
Merit 4.0 causing Heroku deployment errors
#343 opened by gabrielguerin - 0
Typo in active_record/merit_generator task
#344 opened by jlholm - 12
undefined method 'create' for Merit:Action:Class
#335 opened by psnider30 - 4
- 2
- 9
- 1
Adding points doesn't work the first time
#341 opened by gabrielguerin - 5
What if you don't have a controller resource
#311 opened by rjrobinson - 2
Use DeviseInvitable with Merit
#336 opened by gabrielguerin - 45
Grant_on not being triggered
#309 opened by taratip - 8
Add/Subtract points: NO Method error
#333 opened by bhavyabh - 5
score's :to argument
#320 opened by RonWalker22 - 6
Issue with reconfirmation of email address
#328 opened by monroemann - 11
Filtering out all users but last 7 days
#330 opened by monroemann - 2
Assign badges to existing data
#329 opened by adrienpoly - 1
- 2
- 1
- 2
Access current_user
#324 opened by marcodotcastro - 6
Relation "sashs" does not exist AND relation "merit_scor_points" does not exist
#323 opened by marcodotcastro - 32
#322 opened by monroemann - 2
Points and Badges awarded when controller action hits create even if editing a Record
#318 opened by psnider30 - 2
Dynamic badges
#314 opened by nicholasrq - 1
- 6
Example apps?
#307 opened by scarroll32 - 7
Find by name returns all badges
#308 opened by scarroll32 - 2
Cannot use symbols as names: Merit::BadgeNotFound (No badge 'question_report' found. Define it in initializers/merit.rb)
#303 opened by starrychloe - 0
when i run rails tmp:clear on my rails app, all Merit::Badge is lost after restart the app. why?
#304 opened by dimidev - 3
- 0
- 1
- 2
Merit being initialised once with Rails 5.2 and release 3.0.1 but for API and not Web app.
#296 opened by jamesjefferies