
Deprecated in favor of easymongo

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


NPM version Build status Dependency status devDependency status

Deprecated in favor of easymongo. Version 5 of easymongo now uses promises which nicely working with co.

Implementation of the easymongo with generator based flow-control.

Currently you must use the --harmony-generators flag when running node 0.12.x to get access to generators.


$ npm i --save co-easymongo


var co = require('co');

var mongo = require('co-easymongo')({
  dbname: 'test'

co(function *() {
  var posts = mongo.collection('posts');

  // array of documents
  var results = yield posts.find({title: 'Some title'}, {limit: 2});

  // new document
  var result = yield posts.save({title: 'Some title', text: 'Some text'});

  // result of operation (boolean)
  var result = yield posts.remove({title: 'Some title'});

To figure which of APIs are available, you need to read the easymongo readme.



The MIT License, see the included license.md file.