A rush hour solver in Haskell. In collaboration with @sanantoniochili
The programme rush_hour.hs is an implementation in Haskell of a solver for the classic puzzle game rush hour. There are two main solvers implemented by the functions solve
and solve_astar
. The function solve
implements a simple Bridth First Search, while solve_astar
uses a heuristic described here.
The input of the solve functions is an initial state of the rush hour grid. Although a grid state is encoded internally differently, there are provided the functions readState
and writeState
to convert a simple string in a valid grid state. An example of such a valid state-string is given bellow.
which describes the following state:
The blocking cars are represented with the same character (e.g. 'a'), the red car, is represented by the character '=' and the empty places are represented by '.'.
Calling the function solve (readState "...a\n==.a\n....\n....\n")
in GHCi prompt, will return a list of moves in order to the red car, be unblocked. For a more user friendly list of subsequent string-states to be printed, you may use the function printSolution
, see the examples bellow.
> state = readState "...a\n==.a\n....\n....\n"
> printSolution state (solve state)
> state = readState "..abbb\n..a.c.\n..==c.\n....d.\n....d.\n....d.\n"
> printSolution state (solve_astar state)
The file rush_hour.pdf contains a detailed description of the assignment's requirements (in Greek), while in README.pdf we describe in detail the implementation (in Greek).
If a sting-state is given to solve
(or solve_astar
), where there is no solution, the function will not terminate.