Pyverilog-sv2v is converting systemverilog code to verilog code. The converted script in verilog is used in pyverilog and pyverilog_toolbox that does not correspond to the systemverilog.
This repository consists of two parts. The part is converting systemverilog file to verilog. The script is aimed to preprocess systemverilog for a software (pyverilog, pyverilog_toolbox) that does not correspond to the systemverilog. The second part is to use that converted script in pyverilog which is Python-based Hardware Design Processing Toolkit for Verilog HDL
Pyverilog is an open-source hardware design processing toolkit for Verilog HDL. All source codes are written in Python.
Pyverilog includes (1) code parser, (2) dataflow analyzer, (3) control-flow analyzer and (4) code generator. You can create your own design analyzer, code translator and code generator of Verilog HDL based on this toolkit.
- Python3: 3.6 or later
- Icarus Verilog: 10.1 or later
sudo apt install iverilog
- Jinja2: 2.10 or later
- PLY: 3.4 or later
pip3 install jinja2 ply
These are required for automatic testing of tests. We recommend to install these testing library to verify experimental features.
- pytest: 3.8.1 or later
- pytest-pythonpath: 0.7.3 or later
pip3 install pytest pytest-pythonpath
These are required for graph visualization by dataflow/ and controlflow/
- Graphviz: 2.38.0 or later
- Pygraphviz: 1.3.1 or later
sudo apt install graphviz
pip3 install pygraphviz
Now you can install Pyverilog using script:
python3 install
This software includes various tools for Systemverilog HDL design.
- sv2v: converts systemverilog file to verilog
- vparser: Code parser to generate AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) from source codes of Verilog HDL.
- dataflow: Dataflow analyzer with an optimizer to remove redundant expressions and some dataflow handling tools.
- controlflow: Control-flow analyzer with condition analyzer that identify when a signal is activated.
- ast_code_generator: Verilog HDL code generator from AST.
First, please prepare a systemverilog source file and pass it from sv2v converter by writing the command:
You will get systemverilog-file-name.v.
logic: Convert to reg or wire.
bit: Convert to reg or wire.
byte: Convert to reg [7:0] or wire [7:0] .
enum: Expand to localparam.
enum logic [2:0] {PINK,GREEN,YELLOW=5,BLUE} color_e;
localparam PINK = 'd 0 ;localparam GREEN = 'd 1 ;localparam YELLOW = 'd 5 ;localparam BLUE = 'd 6 ;
(.*) port assign: Expand to assignment using port name.
clocking-endcloclking, property-endproperty, sequence-endsequence block: Delete all sentence.
default, assert: Delete line.
always_comb-> always @*
always_latch-> always @*
always_ff-> always
int-> integer
shortint-> reg signed [15:0]
longint-> reg signed [63:0]
'0-> 'd0
'1-> hffff
parameter logic-> parameter
localparam logic-> localparam
function logic-> function
Let's try syntax analysis. Please type the command as below.
python3 pyverilog/examples/ *systemverilog-file-name.v*
Let's try dataflow analysis. Please type the command as below.
python3 pyverilog/examples/ -t top *systemverilog-file-name.v*
Let's view the result of dataflow analysis as a picture file. Now we select 'led' as the target. Please type the command as below. In this example, Graphviz and Pygraphviz are installed.
python3 pyverilog/examples/ -t top -s top.led *systemverilog-file-name.v*
Then you got a png file (out.png). The picture shows that the definition of 'led' is a part-selection of 'count' from 23-bit to 16-bit.
Let's try control-flow analysis. Please type the command as below. In this example, Graphviz and Pygraphviz are installed. If don't use Graphviz, please append "--nograph" option.
python3 pyverilog/examples/ -t top *systemverilog-file-name.v*
You got also a png file (top_state.png), if you did not append "--nograph". The picture shows that the graphical structure of the state machine.
Finally, let's try code generation. Please prepare a Python script as below. The file name is ''. A Verilog HDL code is represented by using the AST classes defined in 'vparser.ast'.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import os
import pyverilog.vparser.ast as vast
from pyverilog.ast_code_generator.codegen import ASTCodeGenerator
def main():
datawid = vast.Parameter( 'DATAWID', vast.Rvalue(vast.IntConst('32')) )
params = vast.Paramlist( [datawid] )
clk = vast.Ioport( vast.Input('CLK') )
rst = vast.Ioport( vast.Input('RST') )
width = vast.Width( vast.IntConst('7'), vast.IntConst('0') )
led = vast.Ioport( vast.Output('led', width=width) )
ports = vast.Portlist( [clk, rst, led] )
width = vast.Width( vast.Minus(vast.Identifier('DATAWID'), vast.IntConst('1')), vast.IntConst('0') )
count = vast.Reg('count', width=width)
assign = vast.Assign(
vast.Identifier('count'), # count
vast.Minus(vast.Identifier('DATAWID'), vast.IntConst('1')), # [DATAWID-1:
vast.Minus(vast.Identifier('DATAWID'), vast.IntConst('8'))))) # :DATAWID-8]
sens = vast.Sens(vast.Identifier('CLK'), type='posedge')
senslist = vast.SensList([ sens ])
assign_count_true = vast.NonblockingSubstitution(
if0_true = vast.Block([ assign_count_true ])
# count + 1
count_plus_1 = vast.Plus(vast.Identifier('count'), vast.IntConst('1'))
assign_count_false = vast.NonblockingSubstitution(
if0_false = vast.Block([ assign_count_false ])
if0 = vast.IfStatement(vast.Identifier('RST'), if0_true, if0_false)
statement = vast.Block([ if0 ])
always = vast.Always(senslist, statement)
items = []
ast = vast.ModuleDef("top", params, ports, items)
codegen = ASTCodeGenerator()
rslt = codegen.visit(ast)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Please type the command as below at the same directory with Pyverilog.
Then Verilog HDL code generated from the AST instances is displayed.
module top #
parameter DATAWID = 32
input CLK,
input RST,
output [7:0] led
reg [DATAWID-1:0] count;
assign led = count[DATAWID-1:DATAWID-8];
always @(posedge CLK) begin
if(RST) begin
count <= 0;
end else begin
count <= count + 1;