
Categorising electricity time series into time slices ⚡

Primary LanguagePython


March-June 2022, merlijn

All of the code used to import, analyse, and visualise the data in the report below can be found in this repository. There are two versions of the code. v0.1.0 consists of some initial scripts used to create simple load duration graphs. It has limited functionality beyond producing load duration graphs based on the original season and daynite timeslices. This version was produced in April 2022.

v0.2.0 (May 2022) and v0.3.0 (June 2022) brought a more fully-fledged suite of scripts with additional features and generalised functions. v0.2.0 was used in the report below and was released in mid-May 2022. v0.3.0 added UTC support and included consumer load profiles. The basic structure is as follows:

  1. load.py: these functions are used to import and clean the data,
  2. assign.py: this script contains functions that assign the various timeslices to the time series,
  3. analyse.py: these functions generate visualisations and statistics along with other analysis functions,

All these functions can be run from the main.py file or individually in their respective scripts. The idea behind organising the functions and scripts like this is to make it easier to maintain and extend the functions. To this end, most functions are written in a very generalised manner, which should make it easy to add support for additional timeslices, time series, and other improvements. An important factor here is that the functions are (mostly) agnostic to the timeslice or time series used, which means that it is straightforward to add new timeslices (such as the ones mentioned in the discussion) or to use the current functions to analyse new time series.

A fourth script, report_visualisations.py, listed in the graphs folder, contains some rough-and-ready code to generate some of the visualisations used in this report.

I am working on 'translating' some key functions from python to R (see r-translation branch), and on adding more comments to the code to explain its functionality.


This documentation was written for version v0.2.0 of the code and updated for v0.3.0 with an appendix on consumer load profiles.


TIMES uses timeslices to represent periodic variations in commodities and process input/outputs. The current version of the TIMES-CZ model uses twelve timeslices: four seasonal timeslices (spring, summer, autumn, winter) and three daynite timeslices (night, day, peak), see tables 1, 2 and 3. Increasing the number of timeslices increases the accuracy of the model, as there are annual variations in the data that have a different frequency than the daily and seasonal variations that are currently captured by the timeslices.

This report builds on Josef's bachelor thesis, where he worked on finding the best method for determining which timeslice load values to use. This work is different in that it purely looks at different types of timeslices and combinations thereof. Milan and Lukáš suggested some alternative timeslices (see Method). The basic idea is to test different types of timeslices on load, export, import and price data to see which combination of timeslices we can use to enrich the TIMES-CZ model. In order to do this, I wrote a suite of functions that can test different timeslices, in order to determine which combination of timeslices would best enrich the model.

When picking a combination of timeslices, the primary concerns are whether they capture intra/inter-annual variability in the data and thus accurately convey major trends, and the computational and data-gathering cost and of this increased accuracy. Generally speaking, as time resolution increases, the accuracy of the model increases too but so does its computational complexity. Furthermore, it becomes more difficult to gather economic statistics at the same resolution, which reduced the efficacy of the increase timeslice resolution. The data considered in this report (load, consumption, import, export, prices) can be known to a high temporal precision, whereas others (such as production of specific factories, or solar output) can either not be known at such a high temporal resolution or have large year-on-year variability. The goal of this report is to contribute to finding the right trade off between temporal resolution and computational and statistical complexity.

Code Season Length (days) Description
R Spring 78 15 March-31 May
S Summer 91 1 June-30 August
F Autumn 77 31 August-15 November
W Winter 119 16 November-14 March

Table 1: Definition of the seasonal timeslices.

Code Daynite Length (hours) Description
N Night 12 all hours between 20:00-08:00.
D Day 11 all hours between 08:00-20:00, except the peak hour.
P Peak 1 the hour with the highest load during the day.

Table 2: Definition of the daynite timeslices.

Season Daynite TS Annual share (%)
Spring (R) Night (N) RN 10.7
Day (D) RD 9.80
Peak (P) RP 0.980
Summer (S) Night (N) SN 12.5
Day (D) SD 11.4
Peak (P) PD 1.04
Fall (F) Night (N) FN 10.5
Day (D) FD 9.67
Peak (P) FP 0.879
Winter (W) Night (N) WN 16.3
Day (D) WD 14.9
Peak (P) WP 1.36

Table 3: Annual share of the current timeslices.


The following data sources were used:

Data Source Scope
Load https://www.ceps.cz/en/all-data#Load 2015-2021, hourly average values.
Generation https://www.ceps.cz/en/all-data#Generation 2015-2021, hourly average values.
Imports and exports https://www.ceps.cz/en/all-data#CrossborderPowerFlows 2015-2021, hourly average values.
Prices https://www.ote-cr.cz/en/statistics/yearly-market-report 2015-2021, hourly day-ahead price.
Consumer load profiles https://www.ote-cr.cz/en/statistics/electricity-load-profiles/ 2015-2021, hourly normalised load.

Table 4: Data sources used in this report.

ČEPS is the Czech transmission system operator and OTE-ČR is the Czech electricity and gas market operator. 2015 is the base year of the TIMES-CZ model and 2020 is a milestone year; 2021 is the last year for which full data is available. Hourly (average) values were the highest available temporal resolution available. All of the original data files can be found in the data folder on the GitHub repository.

The data providers use different time and date definitions, see table 5. The ČEPS data gives the hour and date in CET/CETS (local time), whereas OTE-ČR gives the local date and counts the hour of the day. For both data files, the data was converted to UTC which was then converted to the Czech timezone (CET/CETS).

Data provider Data files Date time format Hours: normal day Hours: winter time to summer time Hours: summer time to winter time
ČEPS load, generation, cross border 31.12.2015 00:00 0-23 0-1, 3-23 0-2, 2-23
OTE-ČR prices, consumer load profiles 31-12-2015, 1 1-24 1-23 1-25

Table 5: Date time conventions of both data providers.

Some minor cleaning and reshaping actions were performed on the data (see load.py). This included calculating total generation, total import, total export, and net export. The consumer load profile data needed more extensive editing, please see the appendix for more information. The data sources were combined into a single data file, combined 2015-2021.csv, which can also be found in the data folder on the GitHub repository.

The load, import, export and price data were then categorised into the two original time slices (season daynite) and six new timeslices:

  1. Month: the month of the date (January, February, ..., December),
  2. Weekday 1: whether the date was a working day (generally, Monday-Friday) or a weekend or public holiday (generally, Saturday-Sunday),
  3. Weekday 2: the day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, etc),
  4. Extended daynite 1: one night time slices, three day time slices. See table 6 for the chosen cut-off times.
  5. Extended daynite 2: two night time slices, six day time slices. See table 7 for the chosen cut-off times.
  6. Hour: hourly timeslices (00:00, 01:00, ..., 23:00).

As discussed in the preface, the functions that perform these are agnostic as to what time series they are categorising which means that other variables can be categorised in the same way, and that functions with new timeslices can easily be added.

Extended daynite 1 Description
Night 20:00-05:00
Morning 06:00-09:00
Afternoon 10:00-15:00
Evening 16:00-19:00

Table 6: Definition of the extended daynite 1 timeslices.

Extended daynite 2 Description
Night-1 20:00-01:00
Night-2 02:00-07:00
Day-1 08:00-09:00
Day-2 10:00-11:00
Day-3 12:00-13:00
Day-4 14:00-15:00
Day-5 16:00-17:00
Day-5 18:00-19:00

Table 7: Definition of the extended daynite 2 timeslices.

Code Weekday Length Description
L Working day 68.7% Any working day (most weeks: Monday to Friday).
H Weekend day 31.3% Weekend days (Saturday and Sunday) and public holidays.

Table 8: Definition of the weekday timeslices. The length of the timeslices, expressed as an annual percentage, is calculated over 2015-2021 but can vary year-to-year due to differences of the date of public holidays. Note that the length of the working day/weekend day slices is not exactly 5/7 and 2/7 (71.4% and 28.6%), respectively, due to the inclusion of public holidays as weekend days.

These timeslices were then combined to into groups, based on my judgement of which combinations would produce interesting and usable results. This was broadly done by including at least one long-term timeslice (season, month) and at least one short-term timeslice (daynite, hour, etc). Not all groups were analysed extensively due to time constraints.

Name Group Size
Null Season - daynite 12 (4 × 3)
A Season - extended daynite 1 16 (4 × 4)
B Season - extended daynite 2 24 (4 × 8)
C Season - hour 96 (4 × 24)
D Season - weekday 1 - daynite 24 (4 × 2 × 3)
E Season - weekday 1 - extended daynite 1 32 (4 × 2 × 4)
F Season - weekday 2 28 (4 × 7)
G Season - weekday 2 - daynite 84 (4 × 7 × 3)
H Month - daynite 36 (12 × 3)
I Month - extended daynite 1 48 (12 × 4)
J Month - extended daynite 2 96 (12 × 8)
K Month - weekday 1 24 (12 × 2)
L Month - weekday 1 - daynite 72 (12 × 2 × 3)
M Month - hour 288 (12 × 24)

Table 9: The different timeslice groupings considered in this report. The Null group is the current timeslices group used in the TIMES-CZ model. 'Size' gives the total number of timeslices in the group.

Load, import, export, and price duration graphs were created for each group of timeslices, and the key statistics of their distribution were recorded. When comparing the suitability of different groups of timeslices, the main focus was to determine whether these timeslices accurately captured the major periodic trends in the data, and whether the individual timeslices created a unique view of the data: in other words whether there were any other timeslices within the same group that provided a similar view of the data, therefore leading to redundencies.

Distribution analysis

To determine whether different timeslice groupings yielded similar results, I also looked at the distribution of data points within timeslices. I did this by plotting the major statistics (mean, standard deviation, major percentiles) and seeing to what extent different timeslices presented a 'unique' view of the data and to what extent the mean value was representative of that timeslice (i.e. whether there was excessively large variance about the mean).

Fast Fourier transform analysis

To aid the graphical analysis of the data, I performed a Fourier transforms of the load, import, export, and price data (using the fast Fourier transform algorithm). This decomposes the time series into a frequency spectrum, allowing you to see which frequencies (and thus processes) dominate the time series.


Annual hourly load data with rolling average

Figure 1: This figure shows the hourly annual load in 2021 (shaded grey) as well as the 20-day rolling average (blue line). This shows how one of the main frequencies driving the load is the annual (as well as daily) variance.

Daily average load

Figure 2: This data shows the average daily load from 2015-2021 (blue line) as well the 25%-75% percentile range (shaded grey)

Seasonal daily mean

Figure 3: Same data as in figure 2 but now split by season (see table 1), to give an idea how the different timeslices affect the distribution of the data.

Fast Fourier transform

Figure 4: This figure shows the results of the fast Fourier transform analysis for each variable. On the left, it shows the twenty dominant frequencies lower than 30 days, on the right it shows the twenty dominant frequencies higher than 30 days. Note that the spectrums are normalised. This allows for easier comparison of dominant frequencies across the different time series.

The plots for the consumer load profile FFTs are not given here, but can be found on Github. Compared to the other variables, the consumer load profiles feature much stronger dominant frequencies and therefore comparatively much weaker frequency spread. The dominant frequencies are daily, annually, and weekly; with intra-year frequencies being almost absent.


Figure 5: This figure shows an example of the distribution graphs, in this case for group season - weekday 1 - daynite (group D). The blue dot is the mean value, the smaller blue dots give the mean plus/minus the standard deviation. The red dot gives the median value, the red crosses give the minimum and maximum values, and the 10% and 90% percentiles.

Conclusion and discussion

My recommendation is that we add a weekday timeslice to the model. This timeslice enriches the data as it allows us to capture weekly variance in the data, without adding much computational complexity or complicating data gathering. Figure 4 shows that the load, export, and import values have a strong weekly and intraweekly (7 days and 3.5 days) frequencies, but these are currently not captured in the daynite and season timeslices. This new group does, partially, capture them. Furthermore, other economic statistics on working day/weekend day consumption and production patterns should be readily available. Using a more granular seven-day weekday timeslice (weekday 2) increases computational costs (4 × 7 × 3 = 84 vs 4 × 2 × 3=24) without increasing accuracy and is therefore not recommended.

I suggest using the abbreviation 'L' for working days (labour) and 'H' for weekend days (holiday). Using these conventions, the new timeslices and their annual share are:

Season Weekday Daynite TS Annual share (%)
Spring (R) Working day (L) Night (N) RLN 7.28
Day (D) RLD 6.67
Peak (P) RLP 0.607
Weekend day (H) Night (N) RHN 3.50
Day (D) RHD 3.23
Peak (P) RHP 0.293
Summer (S) Working day (L) Night (N) SLN 8.78
Day (D) SLD 8.05
Peak (P) SLP 0.732
Weekend day (H) Night (N) SHN 3.28
Day (D) SHD 3.50
Peak (P) SHP 0.318
Fall (F) Working day (L) Night (N) FLN 7.40
Day (D) FLD 6.78
Peak (P) FLP 0.617
Weekend day (H) Night (N) FHN 3.34
Day (D) FHD 2.99
Peak (P) FHP 0.272
Winter (W) Working day (L) Night (N) WLN 10.9
Day (D) WLD 9.97
Peak (P) WLP 0.907
Weekend day (H) Night (N) WHN 5.02
Day (D) WHD 4.61
Peak (P) WHP 0.419

Table 10: Annual share of the new proposed timeslices.

The figure below shows the average hourly load for each season-weekday pair, with the mean load per daynite timeslice for the given season and weekday superimposed. It shows how the model simplifies the load data and to what extent it accurately summarises the data, given that the model does not currently capture variance (only mean values).

Season - weekday 1 - daynite graph with means

Figure 6: Daily load, by season and weekday, with average timeslice values superimposed.

In general, any group including monthly, weekday 2 (seven weekdays) or hourly timeslices greatly increased computational complexity without adding much detail to the model, as many months, weekdays and hours had similar loads, cross border exchanges, and prices. This is largely because these timeslices do not attempt to categorise the data (as the current daynite timeslice does) but rather focus on increasing accuracy by increasing the number of timeslices. These approaches also suffer from the need to know other statistics at a much higher temporal resolution in order to be useful, which limits their usefulness in increasing accuracy. Monthly timeslices showed a lot of repetition-it did not really capture more of the yearly variability than the seasonal timeslices, whilst many months had nearly identical average imports, exports and loads (e.g. July and August, June and September, etc). To some extent, this is also true for the Spring and Autumn seasonal timeslices: perhaps these could be merged and omitted.

The data used covers seven years, which should give a good understanding of annual trends in load, export, and import values. However, capturing price developments is more difficult as these are not necessarily periodic, and can see periods of high volatility that are not periodic. There can be such deviations in the other variables too, but due to the long timespan and periodicity these changes are smoothed out. For instance, imports and exports in 2015 were up by 17.2% and 24.5%, respectively, compared to 2016-2021, but by using all seven years these annual deviations are smoothed out.

Future development

The best way to test the effect of new timeslices is to add them to the TIMES-CZ model. This is quite a labour intensive process, as other statistics also need to be updated. Some of this could be automated (using the data available, new scenario files for processes like EXPELCHIGGA and IMPELCHIGA could be generated) but it would still require careful setting up of the relevant script, running the model, and analysing the model outputs.

This has not been fully done yet for the proposed season - weekday 1 - daynite group (D) of timeslices, and thus further work is needed to explore the exact impacts on the model of using this new group. Currently, on the EUA-revision branch, I have added a new scenario file CZ_V02-/SuppXLS/Scen_AltTS.xlsx which incorporates the seaon - weekday 1 - daynite group (D) with a corresponding CZ_V02-/SuppXLS/Scen_CZ_elcprice_SEK_TSprices_sumbnd_AltTS.xlsx scenario file which replaces CZ_V02-/SuppXLS/Scen_CZ_elcprice_SEK_TSprices_sumbnd.xlsx (and ultimately, CZ_V02-/SuppXLS/Scen_CZ_elcprice_SEK.xlsx). However, the temporal resolution of other key economic and energy statistics should also be improved to be able to accurately determine the effect of the new timeslices (see the appendix).

As mentioned previously, many other timeslices remain unexplored. The data gathered suggests that perhaps the spring and autumn seasonal timeslices could be merged, as for some data points they show very similar means and distributions. Alternatively, they could be split and merged; creating an early-Spring/late-Autumn timeslice (capturing the onset/end of Winter) and an late-Spring/early-Autumn timeslice (capturing the onset/end of Summer). Furthermore, the current daynite timeslices could be expanded. The current definition of 'Night' lasting 12-hours appears to be too broad as the reduced demand does not last for so long, perhaps an alternative to the extended daynite timeslices discussed in this report. An alternative definition, extended daynite 3, is given in table 11.

Extended daynite 3 Description Length (h)
Night 23:00-05:00 6
Morning 06:00-08:00 3
Day 08:00-20:00, except: 11
Peak The hour with the highest load during Day 1
Evening 20:00-22:00 3

Table 11: Potential definition for extended daynite 3.

As seen in figure 4, there are a plethora of frequencies between 14 days and 190 days, which are currently not well-understood nor captured by the proposed new combination of timeslices. It is unclear what is driving these cycles. Some may be related to seasonal changes, but the majority cannot easily be transcribed to either daily, weekly, or annual variations in demand or prices. More work is needed to determine what is behind these frequencies and whether they are important to the model.

Lastly, this report only considered electricity production and consumption. Other commodities (most notably natural gas) and consumer behaviour patterns are also of interest. Due to the general nature of the code (see preface), it should be straightforward to expand the analysis scope to include new time series.

Appendix: Consumer load profile extension

The first application of the new timeslices was to add increased temporary resolution for commercial and residential COM_FR processes. This was done using consumer load profiles from OTE-ČR. The consumer load profile data is divided into the following categories:

Category Type Description (translated)
1 Commercial No electricity for heat or hot water
2 Commercial Heat accumulation (hot water & heating, includes another source of heat)
3 Commercial Electricity for heating including heat pumps
4 Residential No electricity for heat or hot water
5 Residential Heat accumulation (usually, hot water)
6 Residential Electricity for heating (includes another source of heat)
7 Residential Electricity for heating including heat pumps
8 Commercial Public lighting

Table 12: Consumer load profile categories (Czech source).

The TDD5 category is split in 8 regions. To get a value for this category, I took a population-weighted average, using the population counts in table 13. I combined Czech regions into the regional TTD5 profiles in the following way:

Name (CZ) Name (EN) Regions Pop (,000) Pop (relative)
Jižní Čechy South Bohemia South Bohemian, Vysocina 1,141 0.11
Jižní Morava South Moravia South Moravian, Zlin 1,757 0.17
Praha Prague Praha 1,275 0.12
Severní Čechy North Bohemia Liberec, Usti nad Labem 1,237 0.12
Severní Morava North Moravia Moravian-Silesian, Olomouc 1,801 0.17
Střední Čechy Central Bohemia Central Bohemia 1,387 0.13
Východní Čechy East Bohemia Hradec Kralove, Pardubice 1,058 0.10
Západní Čechy West Bohemia Karlovy Vary, Plzen 862 0.08

Table 13: Division of Czech regions into the TDD5 regions (Population data from ČSÚ (2022)).

Furthermore, based on Lukáš' recommendation, I added a 'zero heating in summer' option (labeled 'a'), which reduces the heating load profiles by 50% in autumn and spring and by 100% in summer. I also added a 'zero lighting in summer' option (labeled 'b'), which reduces the residential lighting load profile (RLIG) by 50% in autumn and spring, and by 100% in summer but only during day/peak hours. I also awarded some processes a combination of two load profiles. In these cases, the load profiles were averaged as they generally showed similar annual/seasonal variability. TDD4 and TDD5 do differ slightly (TDD5 has consitently higher values during day and peak timeslices) but they exhibit a similar pattern overall.

Next I categorised all timeslice-dependent COM_FR processes listed in the CZ_V02-/VT_CZ_RCA_V2.2.xlsx file, see table 14 below. The full name of the processes can be found in table 16.

Category Processes
3 None
6 None
7 None

Table 14 The division of the processes into the various categories.

Using the above combinations, I calculated the ratio of the categories per timeslice (the original data is normalised). I then inserted the various processes into the CZ_V02-/SuppXLS/Scen_AltTS.xlsx scenario file with their category and annual total demand. Using this scenario file does not lead to infeasibilities.

Other processes and full process names

Abbreviation Description
TAV Aviation generic
TBI Road bus intercity
TBU Road bus urban
TC Road car short distance
TFR Road freight
TMO Road motors
TNA Navigation generic
TTF Rail freight
TTL Rail passengers light
TTP Rail passengers heavy
IFT Food and tobacco demand
IOI Other industries demand

Table 15 These are the remaining COM_FR processes. I believve that we cannot use consumer load profiles to determine their annual variability (and they do not occur in the CZ_V02-/VT_CZ_RCA_V2.2.xlsx file).

Abbreviation Description Category
CHLE Commercial space heating large 3a
CHSE Commercial space heating small 3a
CCLE Commercial space cooling large existing 1
CCSE Commercial space cooling small existing 1
CWLE Commercial water heating large existing 2
CWSE Commercial water heating small existing 2
CLIG Commercial lighting 1
CCOK Commercial cooking 1
CREF Commercial refrigeration 1
CPLI Commercial public lighting 8
COEL Commercial other electricity 1+2
COEN Commercial other energy generic 1+2
RHDE Residential space heating single semi-detached existing 6a+7a
RHRE Residential space heating single rural existing 6a+7a
RHRN Residential space heating single rural new 6a+7a
RHUN Residential space heating single urban new 6a+7a
RHME Residential space heating multiple all existing 6a+7a
RHMN Residential space heating multiple all existing new 6a+7a
RCDE Residential space cooling single detached existing 4
RCRE Residential space cooling single rural existing 4
RCRN Residential space cooling single rural new 4
RCME Residential space cooling multiple all existing 4
RCMN Residential space cooling multiple all new 4
RWUN Residential water heating single urban new 5
RWDE Residential water heating single urban existing 5
RWRN Residential water heating single rural new 5
RWRE Residential water heating single rural existing 5
RWME Residential water heating multiple all existing 5
RWMN Residential water heating multiple all new 5
RCOK Residential cooking 4
RCWA Residential clothes washing 4
RCDR Residential cloth drying 4
RDWA Residential dish washing 4
RLIG Residential lighting existing 4b
RREF Residential refrigeration 4
ROEL Residential other electricity 4+5
ROEN Residential other energy generic 4+5

Table 16 The full name of the timeslice-dependent COM_FR processes and their respective category.