
Tool to export Elasticsearch index from one cluster to another cluster

Primary LanguagePython

ESE is an Elasticsearch exporter inspired by Elasticsearch-Exporter and elasticsearch-dump.

This script retrieves from the Elasticsearch scroll API to retrieve from the source and multiprocessing to index at the destination server. It uses RequestsHttpConnection for gzip compression.


pip install ese

For the brave...

pip install -e git+https://github.com/merlin83/ese#egg=ese


usage: ese.py [-h] [--src-host SRC_HOST] [--src-port SRC_PORT]
              [--src-index SRC_INDEX] [--src-batch-size SRC_BATCH_SIZE]
              [--dest-host DEST_HOST] [--dest-port DEST_PORT]
              [--dest-index DEST_INDEX] [--dest-batch-size DEST_BATCH_SIZE]
              [--dest-alias DEST_ALIAS] [--dest-concurrency DEST_CONCURRENCY]
              [--dest-delete-index] [--query QUERY]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --src-host SRC_HOST   Source host [default:]
  --src-port SRC_PORT   Source port [default: 9200]
  --src-index SRC_INDEX
                        Source index
  --src-batch-size SRC_BATCH_SIZE
                        Source query batchsize [default: 5000]
  --dest-host DEST_HOST
                        Destination host [default:]
  --dest-port DEST_PORT
                        Destination port [default: 9200]
  --dest-index DEST_INDEX
                        Destination index
  --dest-batch-size DEST_BATCH_SIZE
                        Destination batchsize [default: 5000]
  --dest-alias DEST_ALIAS
                        Destination index alias (to be set after we have
                        finished populating)
  --dest-concurrency DEST_CONCURRENCY
                        Destination batchsize [default: 4]
  --dest-delete-index   Delete destination index at before starting
  --query QUERY         Query to use [if None is specified, a match_all will
                        be used]


ese \
    --src-host $SOURCE_HOST \
    --src-port $SOURCE_PORT \
    --src-index $SOURCE_INDEX \
    --src-batch-size 5000 \
    --dest-host $TARGET_HOST \
    --dest-port $TARGET_PORT \
    --dest-index $TARGET_INDEX \
    --dest-delete-index \
    --dest-concurrency 4 \
    --dest-batch-size 5000 \
    --dest-alias vts_companydirectory \
    --query $SOURCE_QUERY