
SLower Silesia - tailor made guided tours

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A homepage of SLower Silesia

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Minimal requirements to set up the project:

  • Node.js v10, installation instructions can be found on the official website, I can personally recommend using Node Version Manager. It can be installed in a few commands.
  • A package manager like Yarn or NPM. All instructions in the documentation will follow the NPM syntax.
  • Optionally a Git client.


Start by cloning the repository:

git clone git@github.com:merlinnot/com-slowersiesia.git

In case you don't have a git client, you can get the latest version directly using this link and extracting the downloaded archive.

Go the the right directory and install dependencies:

cd com-slowersilesia
npm install

That's it! You can now go to the next step.

Local development server

Gulp is a tool of choice to run both development and build tasks. For convenience purposes some tasks are exported as NPM scripts, including starting the development server:

npm run start:dev

You can now access the website at localhost:8080.

Development server will automatically rebuild the website when .sass or .pug files are being modified, however images and manifest files will be build only once.


Accelerated Mobile Pages compliance

Compliance check is baked into the development server, you can see all of the errors in the console. Validation is also being performed at build time, failing the build in case of errors.


This project uses Prettier to automate formatting. All supported files in use are being reformatted in a precommit hook. You can also use two scripts to validate and optionally fix all of the files:

npm run format
npm run format:fix


Deployment is handled in an automated way and must not be performed manually. For each PR a staging environment is created and a corresponding link is added as a validation check. Staging environment can be used to play with a new version and to make sure it looks exactly as it should.

Built with

Runtime libraries








This project adheres to SemVer v2.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.