
Codes for the website benray.dailywarrior.ph

Primary LanguagePython


Codeship Status for merlinsbeard/artwork-portfolio

Contains the source code for my portfolio website. Uses Django as the primary framework. Still work in progress


  • Single User authentication for the primary User
  • EMAIL notification for contact us
  • Forms for updating works and details
  • localenv and prodenv for environment variables
  • Gunicorn for deployment
  • Django 1.10
  • Materialize.css for user interface


Install pip and virtualenv

$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip
$ sudo pip3 install virtualenv

Create a virtualenv

$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv
$ source venv/bin/activate

Clone the repo and install requirements

$ git clone git@github.com:merlinsbeard/artwork-portfolio.git
$ cd artwork-portfolio
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

We will run a local development version

Edit the .localenv for the settings $ vim .localenv Information about env can be found here django-envron

Migrate Database and create superuser

$ python manage.py migrate --settings=clever_red.settings 
$ python manage.py createsuperuser --settings=clever_red.settings

Run django python manage.py runserver --settings=clever_red.settings.local

Create a single user this will act as the only user for the project one time setup go to the admin page of django http://localhost:8002/admin/login/?next=/admin/ Click + Add under the contact/Mes tab

  • User field should point to the single user
  • Slug should always be me
  • Long description can accept markdown

After clicking save go back to the home page it will now show the details. To edit the extra details just go to http://localhost:8002/me/update

To add Works Go back to the admin page http://localhost:8002/admin/ Click on add works. After saving the works will show up in the front page. They can be edited while login

For Production Copy .localenv to .prodenv and fill the proper environment variables

Gunicorn $ gunicorn --bind clever_red.wsgi:application


  1. Create docker image first
$ git clone https://github.com/merlinsbeard/artwork-portfolio.git
$ cd artwork-portfolio
$ docker build -t artwork:latest .
  1. Update .prod.env for configurations
$ vim .prod.env

  1. Create Docker Database
# Create Docker network first
$ docker network create --driver bridge artwork
# Create database
$ docker run --name artwork_db \
> --network artwork \
> --env POSTGRES_DB=artwork \
> -d postgres:latest
  1. Run Container with environment variables
$ docker run --name artwork \
> --network artwork \
> --env DB_HOST=artwork_db \
> --env DROPBOX_OAUTH2_TOKEN=my-token \
> -p 8000:8000 \
> -v $PWD/.prodenv:/artwork/.prodenv \
> -d artwork:latest
  1. Migrate Database and create superuser
$ docker exec -it artwork python manage.py migrate
$ docker exec -it artwork python manage.py createsuperuer
  1. Check browser and open in localhost:8000

Environment Variables

Name Description
DB_HOST url of database
DB_NAME Database name
DB_USER Database Username
DB_PASSWORD Database Password
DB_PORT Database Port
GS_BUCKET_NAME Google storage bucket name
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS Path to service account JSON keyfile see more