
VReact: a VR hack project at Technica 2016.

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VReact: a VR hack project at Technica 2016. Devpost page: https://devpost.com/software/vreact

Team Members

Anna Li (github), Crystal Ren (github), Yuxuan Mei (github).

What it does

VReact is a project that addresses the need for more hands-on approaches to learning intangible topics, particularly learning about molecules and chemical reactions that are often taught in chemistry. Currently, the user is able to interact with a library of molecules by selecting the molecule and having a list of information about the molecule appear. An example reaction is given and the user is able to see the reaction's products. We hope to improve this project so that users can have more control over the manipulation of molecules in reactions, and they can have more control over their learning. (by Anna Li)

What you need to see how it works

It is still not a full application, but you can download Unity and import the VReact.unitypackage into Unity. With Oculus Rift connected to your computer, you can view it and use space bar to click on molecules and buttons.