- 2
drop use of SETLENGTH
#82 opened by merliseclyde - 1
Release BAS 1.7.2
#84 opened by merliseclyde - 0
Release BAS 1.7.2
#83 opened by merliseclyde - 0
replace calls of PI and Free in src files
#81 opened by merliseclyde - 4
Linux vs Windows: different results
#80 opened by marcingretl - 1
error in hypergeometric1F1
#79 opened by amarshankarc - 1
issue with hypergeometric1F1
#78 opened by amarshankarc - 1
Release BAS 1.7.1
#76 opened by merliseclyde - 2
- 1
- 1
uninitialized values in `hyp1f1.c`
#75 opened by merliseclyde - 1
Release BAS 1.7.0
#73 opened by merliseclyde - 1
- 1
`` does not check arguments `x` or `y` for correct type before calling C
#67 opened by merliseclyde - 1
Release BAS 1.6.6
#71 opened by merliseclyde - 1
bestmodel documentation and use
#42 opened by A-gata - 1
segmentation fault with method "MCMC+BAS" if initial (best model) arg is not the null model
#69 opened by merliseclyde - 2
`bas.predict` error with a single covariate
#68 opened by AleCarminati - 1
- 0
Add Firth logistic regression to BAS
#63 opened by merliseclyde - 0
Standard Errors for fitted values and predictions are incorrect for linear models with weights and glms
#52 opened by merliseclyde - 1
Error in BAS:::coef.bas(..., estimator = "MPM"): Error in eval(object$call$weights): object 'object' not found
#56 opened by vandenman - 2
- 1
Multithreading Problem
#59 opened by galalxyliu - 1
- 1
Using pivot = FALSE in bas.lm does not create a warning on M1mac in non-full rank case
#62 opened by merliseclyde - 1
Same Intercepts
#60 opened by galalxyliu - 3
- 1
Remove intercept in bas.lm?
#58 opened by emmaleeberry - 1
- 1
- 0
- 1
predict.basglm not compatible with MPM estimator
#51 opened by aagaardk - 0
- 0
eplogprob returns NaN
#54 opened by merliseclyde - 3
- 5
BPM coefficients don't align with explanatory variables in BPM model - bas and pred.bas objects
#49 opened by sheilasw - 0
- 1
- 8
- 1
Warning messages in bas.lm
#44 opened by christineymshen - 1
- 1
include.always errors with bas.glm
#34 opened by merliseclyde - 0
- 1
coerce argument of g.prior to be real
#31 opened by merliseclyde - 0
- 0
- 0
MCMC+BAS method errors
#35 opened by merliseclyde - 0
errors with intrinsic prior
#30 opened by merliseclyde - 0
phi1 function in R/cch.R
#32 opened by merliseclyde