
Accuracy of track distances

seamusdemora opened this issue · 3 comments

I have two (2) apps I use for hiking: One is Open-GPX-Tracker, the other is Maps 3D. The past few days, I have run both apps simultaneously while taking a short hike around the neighborhood. I'm posting here because I have noticed a substantial discrepancy between the distances these two apps report.

For example, after my short hike on May 24, the distances recorded were:

  1. Open GPX Tracker: 1.56 miles
  2. Maps 3D: 1.32 miles.

I'm not obsessive about accuracy, but a difference of 15-to-18 % strikes me as too large to ignore. And this got me wondering about the potential sources of these errors. Given that the recordings were made simultaneously on the same iPhone, I am hard-pressed to identify a plausible theory that explains this.

I do not know which of the readings is more accurate, as I have no other tools to use. I'm posing essentially the same question to the Maps 3D author; if I learn anything useful there, I'll share it here. In the meantime, I'd very much like to hear any thoughts you have wrt the accuracy of your calculations.

@geezerhiker - Hello Alan, and thanks for the feedback. So many thoughts come into my mind from your post. First is to encourage you to stick with git, and not let the minutiae deter you. FWIW, I've found some good Q&A on the subject in StackOverflow site. Second is that your drawing didn't make it into your post her. Third - your research sounds interesting... I'm curious to know if you considered Kalman filtering as an approach? Fourth - 6.2 mi vs 6.2 km... which app was closest to the true distance? Fifth - thanks for the tip on Maps 3D - I'll try that! And finally - what method do you use to determine the accuracy of your trcck measurements?

Would be great if you can fix it with the following approach:
At the top of the app you built an indicator for the signal quality.
If you create a menu where the user can select the minimum signal quality for a track point to be stored the problem would be solved.
I‘m not good in programming but it sounds durable without many effort.

Maybe you can also add a menu to select the record interval for track-points (1s, 5s, 30s, 1min, …) maybe that extends the battery lifetime. Maybe the user can set for each of the prebuilt activity types.