
Goal directed RL with Safety Constraints

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


This is a codebase used for our IROS'20 paper Efficient Exploration in Constrained Environments with Goal-Oriented Reference Path.



# safety-gym from keiohta's forked version
$ git clone git@github.com:keiohta/safety-gym.git
$ cd safety-gym
$ pip install -e .


$ mkdir -p ~/.mujoco
$ cd ~/.mujoco
$ wget https://www.roboti.us/download/mujoco200_linux.zip
$ unzip mujoco200_linux.zip
$ mv mujoco200_linux mujoco200

# Extend LD_LIBRARY_PATH with mujoco:
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:~/.mujoco/mujoco200/bin

# Now install mujoco-py via pip:
$ pip install mujoco-py

Add python path

$ cd safety_rl
$ pip install -r requirements.txt


Train way-points generator

Supervised learning with previously collected data

Generate optimal path using A*

Specify following information

  • --hazards-num: number of hazards to locate
  • --field-size: define min-max size of field. if you specify 1, then the size will be config[placements_extents] = [-1, -1, 1, 1]. default is 2.
  • --resolution: resolution to plan a path. default is 0.1.
$ python examples/generate_optimal_path.py
Generate supervised learning dataset

Generate a dataset for training the waypoints generator

$ python examples/generate_dataset.py --save-data --dataset-size 50000
$ python examples/generate_dataset.py --save-data --dataset-size 10000 --evaluate
Train with supervised learning

Train a model with dataset generated above.

$ python examples/train_cnn.py --epochs 100 --lr 0.0001

# Evaluate trained model
$ python examples/train_cnn.py --rollout-only --show-test-progress

Train way-points generator RL-like

$ python examples/train_cnn_rl_like.py --n-warm-up=10000 --show-test-progress --test-env-interval 10000

Train SAC agent

$ python examples/rl/run_sac_waypoints_generator.py
$ python examples/rl/run_sac_waypoints_generator.py --evaluate --model-dir /path/to/results --test-episodes 10 --show-test-progress


$ python -m unittest discover -v

Reproduce paper results

Generate waypoints generator dataset

Generate the following datasets for training waypoints generators

  • pillars_2_10: for Exp. 6.A, 6.B
  • pillars_3_25: for Exp. 6.C
  • pillars_4_40: for Exp. 6.C
  • gremlins_2_10: for Exp. 6.C
  • two_room: for Exp. 6.C
  • four_room: for Exp. 6.C
$ python examples/all_generate_dataset.py --run

Train waypoints generator models

$ python examples/all_train_cnn.py --run

Train all RL models

# "ours" on MCS
$ python examples/rl/all_envs_ours.py --run

# "baseline" on MCS
$ python examples/rl/all_envs_baseline.py --run

Make graphs that show learning curves

$ python examples/rl/make_compare_graph.py -i ../safetyrl_results/dataset/pillars_2_10 --legend --color

Visually evaluate the trained model

$ python examples/rl/run_sac_waypoints_generator.py --evaluate --root-dir ../safetyrl_results/ --show-test-progress --robot-type doggo


Qualitatively evaluate the trained model

# Evaluate the performance of trained model on various environments on MCS
$ python examples/rl/evaluate_generalization.py

Visually evaluate the trained model

# pillars (3, 3, 25)
$ python examples/rl/run_sac_waypoints_generator.py --evaluate --root-dir ../safetyrl_results/ --show-test-progress --robot-type doggo --fine-tuning --field-size 3 --pillars-num 25

# pillars (4, 4, 40)
$ python examples/rl/run_sac_waypoints_generator.py --evaluate --root-dir ../safetyrl_results/ --show-test-progress --robot-type doggo --fine-tuning --field-size 4 --pillars-num 40

# two-room
$ python examples/rl/run_sac_waypoints_generator.py --evaluate --root-dir ../safetyrl_results/ --show-test-progress --robot-type doggo --fine-tuning --place-room --room-type 0

# gremlin
$ python examples/rl/run_sac_waypoints_generator.py --evaluate --root-dir ../safetyrl_results/ --show-test-progress --robot-type doggo --fine-tuning --dummy-gremlins --gremlins-num 10


If you use the software, please cite the following (TR2020-141):

    author = {Ota, Kei and Sasaki, Yoko and Jha, Devesh K and Yoshiyasu, Yusuke and Kanezaki, Asako},
    title = {Efficient exploration in constrained environments with goal-oriented reference path},
    booktitle = {2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},
    year = {2020},
    pages = {6061--6068},
    publisher = {IEEE},
    doi = {10.1109/IROS45743.2020.9341620},
    url = {https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9341620}


Please contact Devesh Jha at jha@merl.com


See CONTRIBUTING.md for our policy on contributions.


Released under AGPL-3.0-or-later license, as found in the LICENSE.md file.

All files:

Copyright (C) 2021, 2023 Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL).

SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later