

The Security Voice-code Access software component provides robust access control based on voice recognition technology. With two operation modes, users can choose between a specific pass-code sentence or individual voice fingerprints for secure access. Developed using fingerprint and spectrogram concepts, this software ensures reliable access control for up to 8 users.


Mode 1 - Security Voice Code:

  • Access is granted only upon speaking a specific pass-code sentence.
  • Valid passcodes include "Open middle door", "Unlock the gate", and "Grant me access".

Mode 2 - Security Voice Fingerprint:

  • Access is granted based on individual voice fingerprints.
  • Users can select which of the original 8 users are granted access.

Settings UI:

  • Users can configure access settings, including selecting individuals granted access in Mode 2.

Voice Recording Button:

  • Initiates voice recording for the pass-code sentence.

Spectrogram Viewer:

  • Displays the spectrogram of the spoken voice-code for analysis.

Analysis Results Summary:

  • Provides a summary of analysis results, including:
    • A table showing the match percentage of the spoken sentence with each saved passcode sentence.
    • A table showing the match percentage of the spoken voice with each of the 8 saved individuals.

Access Status Indicator:

  • UI element indicating whether access is granted or denied based on algorithm results.

Libraries Used:

  • Python: Programming language used for development.
  • NumPy: For numerical operations and array manipulations.
  • Matplotlib: For creating visualizations, including spectrogram display.
  • SciPy: For scientific computing functions, including signal processing.
  • SoundFile: For reading and writing audio files.


Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4



This project was supervised by Dr. Tamer Basha & Eng. Abdallah Darwish, who provided invaluable guidance and expertise throughout its development as a part of the Digital Signal Processing course at Cairo University Faculty of Engineering.

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