Warning on start up "Warning (lsp-mode): Unknown notification: @/tailwindCSS/projectInitialized"
Closed this issue · 2 comments
vjohansen commented
When I load a tsx file initially i get a "Warnings" buffer with
■ Warning (lsp-mode): Unknown notification: @/tailwindCSS/projectInitialized
If I call lsp-restart-workspace I get
■ Warning (lsp-mode): Unknown notification: @/tailwindCSS/projectsDestroyed
■ Warning (lsp-mode): Unknown notification: @/tailwindCSS/projectInitialized
lsp-version : LSP :: lsp-mode 20240418.201, Emacs 29.3.50, gnu/linux
My guess is than it can be easily fixed by added a notification handler to the make-lsp-client call
See for example lsp-csharp.el which uses
:notification-handlers (ht ("o#/projectadded" 'ignore)
("o#/projectchanged" 'ignore)
("o#/projectremoved" 'ignore)
morhaham commented
please fix
merrickluo commented
should be fixed in #73