- 1
Warning on start up "Warning (lsp-mode): Unknown notification: @/tailwindCSS/projectInitialized"
#70 opened by vjohansen - 0
Tailwind LSP provides completions outside of required boundaries. Sugestions?
#72 opened by ovistoica - 11
- 0
- 2
Did you have hurdles with Tailwind completion? I tried to configure it of `lsp-bridge` with not luck so far.
#65 opened by artemkovalyov - 1
Why is lsp-tailwindcss--company-dash-hack neccasary? What would a non-hacky sollution entail?
#63 opened by noah-evans - 3
lsp-log is too verbose
#64 opened by yenda - 9
Not work on newest lsp-mode in web-mode on emacs 29.1.90 (older version lsp-mode works)
#62 opened by zw963 - 5
Usage in Clojurescript?
#52 opened by joshcho - 0
Provide a `server-path` custom variable
#61 opened by gekoke - 1
Is spacemacs integration supported? If so how
#60 opened by sukidhar - 2
- 5
- 11
`Unhandled method textDocument/codeAction (Method not Found)` on initial install
#13 opened by linozen - 2
- 3
LSP server running but can't get it to work
#47 opened by htetyan - 6
Can you provide an implementation of lsp-birdge?
#41 opened by EvanMeek - 2
Can I use this with SCSS
#38 opened by peter-wd-1 - 12
Request initialize failed with message: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'dynamicRegistration')
#44 opened by dustinlyons - 6
Doesn't seem to activate
#36 opened by jrbrodie77 - 5
Using inside rails 7 causes tailwind to fail
#34 opened by the-moriarty - 2
Problem cloning the repository
#20 opened by wojtekgalaj - 6
Cannot read property ’filter’ of undefined
#30 opened by otavioschwanck - 10
how to run tailwindcss lsp in vue files
#37 opened by noor-tg - 2
- 8
Support for react-native?
#27 opened by CurralesDragon - 1
Colorize rgb values
#32 opened by andre-krueger - 6
How to setup with elixir .heex file?
#26 opened by RobinBeekhof - 2
Use lsp-tailwindcss on different file types
#24 opened by fapapa - 1
Can't get to work
#28 opened by CurralesDragon - 3
This package unbind C-c p p on Doom Emacs
#22 opened by shackra - 5
Integrating Headwind Class Sorting
#17 opened by aswinmohanme - 0
- 2
can add support of eglot?
#18 opened by Lenic - 4
Setting up language service
#8 opened by wojtekgalaj - 3
add-on mode is not working properly
#7 opened by merrickluo - 1
Cannot setup it with Doom
#5 opened by PyB1l