
Updated code for Multi-state mark-recapture model to estimate mortality and movement rates of Gulf sturgeon.

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Updated code for Multi-state mark-recapture model to estimate mortality and movement rates of Gulf sturgeon. Will incorporate 5 years of telemetry data funded by NOAA and NRDA.

Previously published with 3 years of data: Rudd, Merrill B., Robert N.M. Ahrens, William E. Pine III, and Stephania K. Bolden. 2014. Empirical, spatially explicit natural mortality and movement rate estimates for the threatened Gulf sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 71(9): 1407-1417.

The data is currently excluded because the files are too large. If you are interested in running the analysis, please contact me at merrillrudd@gmail.com or Bill Pine at billpine@ufl.edu.