
Boot up a GameBoy Advance though its serial port without a flash cartridge. SPI bit-banged on a Teensy.

Primary LanguageCCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

Project parts

  • sender: Runs on the PC, communicates with Teensy over serial, most logic here, sends program to GBA.
  • teensy-passthrough: Bitbanged SPI on the Teensy.
  • gba-hello-world: Example hello world program.
  • recver: Runs on the PC, communicates with Teensy over serial, receives serial output of uploaded program.


  • avr-gcc for Teensy passthrough
  • devkitPro for hello world program


cd sender
cd ../recver
cd ../teensy-passthrough
# Upload teensy-passthrough.hex to Teensy
cd ../gba-hello-world
cd ..

Example usage

./sender/sender ./gba-hello-world/gba-hello-world_mb.gba && ./recver/recver


Pin numbering

GBA Link-Cable

/ 6  4  2 \ 
\_5_ 3 _1_/ 

GBA Socket

|  2  4  6  | 
 \_1_ 3 _5_/ 


Teensy Pin GBA Pin Purpose My Cable Colour
B0 5 SC / CLK Red
B1 3 SI / MOSI White
B2 2 SO / MISO Black

Note: The cable colours used by your cable are very likely different. If your cable doesn't have a GND pin, connecting to battery ground also works.


To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain worldwide.

This software is distributed without any warranty.

You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with this software. If not, see http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/.