
Current analysis

I've built with Java11 , Java 13, and Java 17 with the same results, so it is either something specific I am doing, or a specific rule that I am attempting to utilize. I thought I had it working for groovy 3.0.9 code, but I seem to be able to produce the same error regardless whenever I use certain annotations.

I've also tried Gradle 6.9.2 up to 7.4.1 with the same results.

I now think it's how I'm building up the compilationClasspath or it's specific to some ruleset that I've enabled. I've included the CodeNarcRules.groovy file that I'm using.

Steps to reproduce original error

gradlew clean check
java.lang.ClassCastException: class groovy.transform.AnnotationCollectorMode cannot be cast to class groovy.transform.AnnotationCollectorMode (groovy.transform.AnnotationCollectorMode is in unnamed module of loader @77b5d35c; groovy.transform.AnnotationCollectorMode is in unnamed module of loader org.gradle.internal.classloader.VisitableURLClassLoader @2def9ecd)

Without setting the compilationClasspath at all, just about everything triggers an unable to resolve class error.

Shows that explicitly setting something for the compilationClasspath is necessary

gradlew clean check -PdisableCompilationClasspath
None: 1: unable to resolve class groovy.transform.Immutable
 @ line 1, column 1.
   import groovy.transform.Immutable

None: 3: unable to resolve class groovy.transform.Immutable for annotation
 @ line 3, column 1.