- 1
Ugly mobile Google Ads
#103 opened by ogorzalka - 1
CSS framework
#110 opened by Vickster93 - 1
Is this project still maintained?
#84 opened by edimoldovan - 0
Request: add compatibility with flowbyte
#109 opened by brindogabriel - 1
upgrade and update this package
#106 opened by hanumanjiblog - 5
Request : Add some form Components
#104 opened by AniruddhaSoni - 1
Deployed link not working
#108 opened by garunAMT - 1
Footer is not stuck to the bottom
#95 opened by mohitm15 - 1
layout pages
#107 opened by DaisenTravel - 5
Floating Labels in Contact Form.
#41 opened by ShubhamVerma1811 - 0
Request: File Upload Template/Layout
#101 opened by mohitm15 - 3
Request: 404 pages
#36 opened by eric-hc - 1
Improve Accessibility
#42 opened by omaratta212 - 3
Request: Blog Page Layout
#60 opened by Codemaine - 1
Add messge list block and post list block
#81 opened by jet10000 - 0
- 0
Representation of Stickers is Missing in the icons of Hero D, Hero E & Hero F Template
#90 opened by mohitm15 - 0
- 0
Background of color palette remains same
#85 opened by mohitm15 - 3
CMS Suggestions
#79 opened by reavpC6K - 3
CSS Doesn't function
#83 opened by CyberDudeJ - 0
The function of the textarea tag is in APP JS。
#80 opened by enjoy-wind - 1
Request: Sidebars
#70 opened by k3lux - 1
CSS is quite heavy
#75 opened by maniodigma - 0
- 5
<img> closing tags
#45 opened by nikhilm19 - 0
Request: Dark mode
#74 opened by cferreras - 1
Landing page not scrollable due to Ads
#73 opened by YesuSebastian - 1
Missing pagination
#62 opened by nssivanitesh - 2
Undefined macros like title-font
#63 opened by ykurtbas - 4
- 3
Header is not responsive
#69 opened by AzadKshitij - 2
- 1
Site is probably down
#67 opened by htshnr - 2
what kind of tools to make svg icons in the project? how to make the same styles?
#58 opened by Galaxyjia - 0
Request: A list page with search
#61 opened by imbhargav5 - 1
SVG Source?
#59 opened by aztecrabbit - 1
Request: Donate Button
#57 opened by AlextheYounga - 1
Citcle images
#56 opened by StorWorx - 1
- 1
Sort order
#44 opened by spekulatius - 0
FAQ components
#43 opened by spekulatius - 0
Team2 has SVGs not displaying
#35 opened by bilogic - 2
- 1
[Suggestion] Add FAQ blocks
#52 opened by iHildy - 1
- 1
integration with reflex
#40 opened by sibelius - 1
Not able to veiw the code in iPhone 7+
#49 opened by abidzzz - 0
contributors readme
#46 opened by bemijonathan - 0
Add closing tags by default
#38 opened by w3bdesign