Provides a simple twig filter for expressing time difference in words for Symfony. Uses a range of +-7 days, after that, the actual date is returned.
Composer (Packagist):
composer require eschmar/time-ago-bundle dev-master
new Eschmar\TimeAgoBundle\EschmarTimeAgoBundle(),
$now = new \DateTime();
$foo = new \DateTime();
$foo->modify('-3 minutes');
$bar = new \DateTime();
$bar->modify('-3 months');
{{ now|ago }}
{# just now #}
{{ foo|ago('r') }}
{# 3 minutes ago #}
{{ bar|ago('r') }}
{# actual date in 'r' format #}
Change default format in config.yml
format: 'Y-m-d H:i:s'
MIT License