A .NET/.NET Core template to use Onion Architecture and DDD (Domain Driven Design) with CQRS and ES with a simple example on how to use all this architecture together from the Controller until the Repository class using Domain objects and different patterns.
You can find information about this template in:
Ensure you have the correct dotnet-core SDK installed for your system:
This is just the version used by the template, if you need to use a newer or older one, you can do it manually after.
- Clone this repository
- To allow the api to be created you will need to install the template from nuget:
dotnet new -i {{Path_where_you_cloned_the_repository}}
- Example:
dotnet new -i C:\GitLocal\dotnet-template-onion
- To check that the template has been installed successfully:
dotnet new -l
- There should now be a new template dotnet_template_onion
Templates Short Name Language Tags
.NET Core 3.1 Template with CQRS, ES and DDD dotnet_template_onion [C#] Web/API/Microservices
- Create the .Net Core Solution
dotnet new dotnet_template_onion -n {{Namespace_of_your_project}} -o <outputFolder>
And you are ready to go, you can use Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code or any other IDE to proceed with your coding.
│ .gitignore
│ Dotnet.Onion.Template.sln
│ CQRS-ES.md
│ DDD.md
│ SOLID.md
│ dotnet-onion-ddd-cqrs-es.jpg
│ ├───Dotnet.Onion.Template.API
│ │ │ .dockerignore
│ │ │ Dockerfile
│ │ │ Dotnet.Onion.Template.API.csproj
│ │ │ Program.cs
│ │ │ Startup.cs
│ │ │
│ │ ├───Bindings
│ │ ├───Config
│ │ │ appsettings-dev.json
│ │ │ appsettings-int.json
│ │ │ appsettings-prod.json
│ │ │ appsettings-stag.json
│ │ │
│ │ ├───Controllers
│ │ │ TasksController.cs
│ │ │
│ │ ├───Extensions
│ │ │ └───Middleware
│ │ │ ErrorDetails.cs
│ │ │ ExceptionMiddleware.cs
│ │ │
│ │ └───Properties
│ │ launchSettings.json
│ │
│ ├───Dotnet.Onion.Template.Application
│ │ │ Dotnet.Onion.Template.Application.csproj
│ │ │
│ │ ├───Handlers
│ │ │ TaskCommandHandler.cs
│ │ │ TaskEventHandler.cs
│ │ │
│ │ ├───Mappers
│ │ │ TaskViewModelMapper.cs
│ │ │
│ │ ├───Services
│ │ │ ITaskService.cs
│ │ │ TaskService.cs
│ │ │
│ │ └───ViewModels
│ │ TaskViewModel.cs
│ │
│ ├───Dotnet.Onion.Template.Domain
│ │ │ Dotnet.Onion.Template.Domain.csproj
│ │ │ IAggregateRoot.cs
│ │ │ IRepository.cs
│ │ │
│ │ └───Tasks
│ │ │ ITaskFactory.cs
│ │ │ ITaskRepository.cs
│ │ │ Task.cs
│ │ │
│ │ ├───Commands
│ │ │ CreateNewTaskCommand.cs
│ │ │ DeleteTaskCommand.cs
│ │ │ TaskCommand.cs
│ │ │
│ │ ├───Events
│ │ │ TaskCreatedEvent.cs
│ │ │ TaskDeletedEvent.cs
│ │ │ TaskEvent.cs
│ │ │
│ │ └───ValueObjects
│ │ Description.cs
│ │ Summary.cs
│ │ TaskId.cs
│ │
│ └───Dotnet.Onion.Template.Infrastructure
│ │ Dotnet.Onion.Template.Infrastructure.csproj
│ │
│ ├───Factories
│ │ EntityFactory.cs
│ │ TaskFactory.cs
│ │
│ └───Repositories
│ TaskRepository.cs
│ Dotnet.Onion.Template.Tests.csproj
│ └───Services
│ TaskServiceTests.cs