A Passionate Machine Learning Engineer from Turkey

I'm a Self-Taught, Contributor, Developer and Researcher!!

  • 🔭 Self-Learning right now. I'm documenting my journey on social...
  • 🧙‍♂️ I'm an LLM Developer Advocate at @AI Makerspace, and working as a Developer Advocate Contractor!
  • 🎯 I’m currently learning LLMs and LLMOps, and sharpening my DevRel skills!
  • 👯 Fun fact: I love to dance(salsa, bachata) and meet new people
  • 🥅 2024 Goals: One commit per day!

⭐ My projects

⚡ Recent Activity

  1. 🗣 Commented on #950 in microsoft/autogen
  2. 🗣 Commented on #950 in microsoft/autogen
  3. ❗ Opened issue #34 in PanoEvJ/Tiny_Agents
  4. ❗ Opened issue #33 in PanoEvJ/Tiny_Agents
  5. ❗ Opened issue #32 in PanoEvJ/Tiny_Agents

📬 Connect with me:

codeSTACKr | Website  codeSTACKr | YouTube  codeSTACKr | Twitter  codeSTACKr | LinkedIn  codeSTACKr | Gmail  codeSTACKr | Medium