
MertNews is a web application created to deliver current and impartial news. This project is built using the Laravel framework with PHP.

Primary LanguageHTML

MertNews Website

MertNews is a web application designed to provide your news in an up-to-date and unbiased manner. This project is developed using the Laravel framework in the PHP language.


  • Homepage: Provides access to breaking news, featured news, and categories.
  • About Us: Page providing information about the organization.
  • News Details: Page containing the details of each news item.
  • Travel Guide: Page containing a travel guide for travel enthusiasts.
  • Contact: Contact form for users to get in touch with us.


  • PHP 7.x
  • Composer
  • Laravel 8.x
  • MySQL or other supported databases


  1. Clone the project or download it as a ZIP file.
  2. Open the terminal and navigate to the directory where the project is located.
  3. Install the necessary dependencies using the 'composer install' command.
  4. Copy the '.env.example' file as '.env' and edit your database information.
  5. Generate the application key using the 'php artisan key:generate' command.
  6. Create the database using the 'php artisan migrate' command.
  7. Start the local server using the 'php artisan serve' command.


  • After starting the project, go to http://localhost:8000 in your browser.
  • Browse through the news on the homepage or filter by categories.
  • Click on news details to read the full article.
  • Access other pages from the menu.


  • Fork the project to contribute.
  • Add new features or fixes.
  • Submit your changes as a pull request.