
An android application for displaying real-time bitcoin data and setting alarms for specific prices.

Primary LanguageJava



Crypto-ticker is an android application written with the Model-View-ViewModel design pattern. Latest Bitcoin data are shown and updated in real-time by connecting to a websocket. Users can be informed about the latest changes on the currency and set alarms for specific prices. When market and alarm prices match the app pops up a notification. There's also a news page where latest bitcoin related news are displayed.

Used technologies

  • Android Architecture Components

    • ViewModel
    • Room
    • LiveData
  • Data Binding

  • Retrofit 2

  • Okhttp

    • WebsocketListener
  • Dagger 2

  • MPAndroidChart

  • Picasso

  • Butterknife


Consumed API's

Bitcoin Average: https://bitcoinaverage.com

News Api: https://newsapi.org