Project Report: Flask-Based Database Management Tool

  1. Introduction

This report introduces a database management tool developed using the Flask web framework. This tool aims to perform basic database operations such as database creation, table addition/deletion/modification, and row addition/deletion/modification. Additionally, it allows users to manage database users and set permissions.

  1. Technical Specifications

    Flask Framework: The foundation of the web application is Flask. Flask is a Python-based web framework used to build fast and flexible web applications.

    MySQL Database: The default database management system used in the project is MySQL. The pymysql library is utilized for database operations.

    HTML and Jinja2 Templating: HTML is used for interface design, while Jinja2, Flask's templating engine, is employed to render dynamic content.

    Session Management: Session management is facilitated using Flask's session module, enabling user login and session control.

    CSV Operations: CSV files are used for exporting and importing data from the database.

    Security: Flask's built-in security features and session management ensure controlled access to sensitive data.

  2. Project Objectives

This project aims to enable users to manage databases through a simple and user-friendly interface. The main objectives of the project are as follows:

Ease of Use: Provide users with an intuitive interface to perform tasks such as creating databases, adding/deleting/modifying tables, etc.

Authorization and Session Management: Implement an administrator authorization system to restrict access to authorized users only and manage database operations.

Data Management: Allow users to view database data, perform addition/deletion/modification of rows, and export/import data.
  1. Features and Capabilities

    Multi-Database Support: While MySQL is the default database, the project can be easily integrated with other databases.

    Database Operations: Users can create databases, add/delete/modify tables, and view data through the web interface.

    User Management: Administrators can manage users, add new users, change existing user permissions, or delete users.

    Security: The project ensures security through session management and authorization, safeguarding the database from unauthorized access.

    CSV Operations: Data in the database can be easily exported and imported, facilitating data backup and transfer operations.

  2. Conclusion

The Flask-based database management tool introduced in this report provides users with a user-friendly interface to perform basic database operations. It aims to meet the needs of different user groups through its ease of use, security features, and flexibility. Additionally, its scalable architecture allows for the addition of more features and customization.