
Easy to use and advanced discord bot for moderation and fun.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Trust Bot

Trust Bot is an easy to use multi purpose discord bot.


Command Name Aliases Category
avatar show-avatar, user-avatar, user-photo, profile-picture, pp User
bancount ban-count Moderation
create-channel channel-create Moderation
delete clear, clean Moderation
github github.com User
help - User
invite invite-the-bot, invite-me, add-me-to-your-server, invite-bot, invite-link User
ping botping, bot-ping User
server server-info, serverinfo, guild, guild-info, guildinfo User
slowmode slow-mode, timeout Moderation
test test-command Owner Only
uptime bot-uptime User

Clone and Run

  1. Clone
git clone https://github.com/mertssmnoglu/trust-bot
  1. Change Directory
cd trust-bot
  1. Install Dependencies
npm install
  1. Run
node main.js
  1. !Bonus - If you do not have conf.json file please follow the console, it will generate a new config file for your bot.


MIT Licensed. Read the License before use.