Table of Contents

About The Project

Coin Tracker is a cryptocurrency tracking application. CoinGecko crypto API was used to get the latest prices and histories for coins. You can subscribe to the application using the Firebase E-mail service and view the coin list. You can create your own coin favorite list.


MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture pattern and data binding is used in the development of this application. The development language of the application is Kotlin.


  • Users can sign up by e-mail and can save their own favorite coins.
  • The users can view all coins information; such as name, symbol, current price, price change percentage, etc.
  • The users can view selected coin details Hash algorithm information, explanation, time interval change with a graphical table. On the detail page, the users can add or remove the coin to their favorites.
  • The users can search by coin name and symbol by coin id on the home page.
  • When the application and coin detail page is opened, the user's favorite coin information is updated.
  • The users can update the information of the coin viewed between certain minutes.


  • First, make sure you have Android Arctic Fox 3.1 version installed
  • Android Studio's Gradle JDK version should be Java 11.0.10.
