
Scripts for training a phrase break prediction system

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Phrase break prediction for Text-to-Speech systems

This repository contains code to train phrasing models for Text-to-Speech systems. The models are trained using LibriTTS alignments avialable kan-bayashi/LibriTTSLabel. The train-clean-360 split is used for training, while the dev-clean and test-clean splits are used for validation and test respectively.

Quick start

Download and preprocess the dataset

  1. Download the dataset kan-bayashi/LibriTTSLabel

  2. Preprocess the downloaded LibriTTS Label dataset and transform to a format suitable for the model

    python utils/build_LibriTTS_label_dataset.py \
        --raw_dataset_dir <Path to the downloaded dataset> \
        --processed_dataset_dir <Output dir, where the processed dataset will be written>

Train Word Embedding + BLSTM model

  1. Build vocabularies of words and tags from the processed dataset; for training word emebeddings from scratch

    python utils/build_vocab_word_embeddings.py \
        --data_dir <Directory containing the processed dataset>

    Running this script will save vocabulary files data_dir/vocab/words.txt and data_dir/vocab/tags.txt containing all the words and tags in the dataset. It will also save data_dir/vocab/dataset_params.json with some extra information.

  2. All model parameters as well as training hyperparameters are specified in config/word_embedding_blstm_config.json, which looks like

        "embedding_dim": 50,
        "blstm_size": 512,
        "batch_size": 64,
        "lr": 1e-5,
        "num_epochs": 50

    To experiment with different values for model parameters/training hyperparameters, this file will have to be modified.

  3. Train the model

    python word_embedding_blstm_train.py \
        --config_file <path to config.json> \
        --data_dir <Directory containing the processed dataset> \
        --expereiment_dir <Directory where training artifacts will be saved> \
        --resume_checkpoint_path <If specified, load specified checkpoint and resume training>
  4. Evaluate the model on the heldout test set

    python word_embedding_blstm_evaluate.py \
        --config_file <path to config.json> \
        --vocab_dir <Directory containing the vocab files> \
        --test_data_dir <Directory containing the heldout test set> \
        --model_checkpoint <Trained model checkpoint to use for eval>


  1. Phrase break prediction with bidirectional encoder representations in Japanese text-to-speech synthesis
  2. An investigation of recurrent neural network architectures using word embeddings for phrase break prediction