
Web-based multi-robot control and visualization for ROS

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Overview diagram

This project is the implemntation of Robofleet: Open Source Communication and Management for Fleets of Autonomous Robots as presented at IROS 2021. The link to the original paper can be found here: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2103.06993

This project aims to create a system that enables ROS-based robot-to-robot communication, as well as visualization of robot data via a web-based frontend. Robots will run a client application to exchange data with a central server.

Each physical robot has existing control software, which publishes messages to the robot’s ROS topics. The Robofleet client will exchange these existing messages with the Robofleet server. Using Robofleet, this software may also subscribe to ROS topics for information from other robots or control messages.

This project targets the ROS 1 framework.


You will need to set up different components of Robofleet depending on your use case.

Make sure to clone submodules, using git clone --recursive https://github.com/ut-amrl/robofleet.

Add a robot

robofleet_client enables a robot to exchange ROS messages with robofleet_server. To set up a new robot with Robofleet:

  1. Clone recursively robofleet_client
  2. Choose a ROS Namespace for the robot (e.g. /ut/testbot)
  3. Follow the configure and build instructions in the robofleet_client README file
    • Make sure to read the inline documentation about configuring message types and topics.
  4. Extend an existing ROS node to publish amrl_msgs/RobofleetStatus messages to the status topic. This will list your robot in the web visualizer, though it is not strictly necessary.
    • Alternatively, use robofleet_client/scripts/basic_status.py to quickly list your robot.
  5. Run the robofleet_client in your robot's namespace (e.g. ROS_NAMESPACE="/ut/testbot" make run)
  6. Grant your robot permissions in the config file for robofleet_server
  7. When trying to view your robot details in the web visualizer, remember to sign in if necessary!

Run the server

robofleet_server enables broadcasting of ROS messages between many clients (robots and visualizers) over the network. To run the server:

  1. Clone robofleet_server and follow the build instructions in its README file
  2. Start the server with yarn start

Use the web visualizer

robofleet_webviz is a browser-based Robofleet client that presents a GUI for many kinds of ROS messages received from robofleet_server. A special RobofleetStatus message enables a listing of all connected robots. To run the web visualizer:

  1. Clone robofleet_webviz and follow the build instructions in its README file
  2. Run the development server with yarn start

Use the robot client and webviz without a central server

See information about "direct mode" in the robofleet_client README.


Most development tasks are isolated to each component of Robofleet. However, there are some tasks that require coordination across all components.

Add a new message type (~30 mins)

To exchange ROS messages over the network, with support for message metadata and unusual kinds of clients (such as the browser), Robofleet needs a structured message encoding format. Robofleet currently encodes messages using Flatbuffers. For details on how ROS messages are encoded in Flatbuffers, see the README for msg2fbs.

Imagine that you want to visualize some new message type, my_viz/Marker. First, build each of the Robofleet components as explained in each of their README files. Then, follow these steps:

  1. cd msg2fbs
    1. Add amrl_msgs to ROS_PACKAGE_PATH and ensure that it has been built. export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=../robofleet_client/amrl_msgs:$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
      1. If your new message type is also in a local (not installed) package, make sure that it is also in your path.
      2. You can use another copy of amrl_msgs, but you must ensure that both copies stay in sync.
    2. Add the ROS name of the message type (e.g. my_viz/Marker) to the top of the makefile
    3. make to generate code and copy it into each Robofleet component.
  2. cd ../robofleet_client
    1. Edit src/config.hpp to call cn.configure() once per message type and topic, as shown in the example configuration. For example: c.configure(SendLocalMessage<my_viz::Marker>().from("/my/topic").to("my/topic")) Remember to include the ROS headers for your new message type.
      • Make sure to read the inline documentation.
    2. Edit encode_ros.hpp to specialize encode<>() for your new message type. See existing specializations for examples.
      • It helps to set up autocompletion in your editor.
      • Robofleet only uses the metadata attribute on the root message type. For example, if my_viz/Marker contains a std_msgs/String, you should set the metadata attribute of the std_msgs/String to 0 (null).
      • Remember that you can use encode<>() recursively using the provided helper functions.
      • Make sure to return the raw offset (the .o attribute) of your root message object.
    3. Edit decode_ros.hpp to specialize decode<>() for your new message type.
      • Again, you can decode recursively using provided helper functions.
    4. make to test your changes
      • Linker errors generally indicate that you did not correctly specialize encode<>() or decode<>().
    5. Add an example that works for normal usage to src/config.example.hpp
    6. make format to clean up your code
    7. Commit the changes.
  3. cd ../robofleet_server
    1. yarn build to test the new schema code.
    2. Commit the changes.
  4. cd ../robofleet_webviz
    1. yarn build to test the new schema code.
    2. Commit the changes.
  5. cd ..
    1. Add the updated submodule commits and the changes to msg2fbs.
    2. Commit the changes.

All done! Now, you can consume the new message type in robofleet_webviz, as well as transmit and receive it with the robofleet_client.

Additional Projects

Robofleet is used as a part of a number of other projects, including an augmented reality interface powered by unreal engine: The source code for this client is available here:

Future changes

When JavaScript support for Flexbuffers is added, it would be possible to switch from Flatbuffers to Flexbuffers encoding with a mostly-unchanged architecture. This would:

  • Eliminate the need to maintain a schema and generated code
  • Move the burden of schema conformance into application code (no schemas means implicit schemas, defined by how message fields are accessed in code.)
  • Allow the encoding of all message types automatically by the robot client*
    • handling dynamically-typed ROS messages in C++ is probably possible using ShapeShifter and ros_msg_parser (formerly ros_type_introspection)
    • msg2fbs demonstrates how to encode arbitrary message types using rospy