
✏️ Paradise54 Restaurant Automation And QR Code Menu Application

This automation system and ordering system with Qr is designed as a computer engineering graduation project. A QR code was produced for each table, such as a special ID. These codes make the table unique and it is displayed by the admin, whichever table has ordered. Customers can add notes when placing their orders. On the cashier, that is, on the management side, there is a table content where they can view the orders (with a note) and receive the payment. Operations such as adding, updating and deleting products are also carried out. Role management has been done with Identiy and they will be able to view different pages as a waiter, chef or cashier. It can be used in real life by adding accounting and pos device operations. We developed the project using .net core 5.0. In the Front-End part, html5, css, javascript and jquery are used.

⚙️ Install

Clone the project to your computer.

Open the project folder and run the entity framework update command in the CLI.

dotnet ef database update

📷 Screenshots

🎯 Contributors

Merve Keçeli

Şule Aktaş