
Vanilla JS-30 Challenge by WesBos

Primary LanguageHTML


This repository is based on JavaScript30 course by Wes Bos

You can see my projects on LIVE DEMO


Day Challange Took On Differences
1 JS DRUM KIT 28.08 - 01.09.2020 Background, playing when click the button
2 JS + CSS CLOCK 01.09 - 03.09.2020 Background, hour hand is shorter than others
3 PLAYING WITH CSS VARIABLES AND JS 05.09 - 10.09.2020 Uploading new image with its url
4 ARRAY CARDIO DAY 1 16.09.2020 -
5 FLEX PANELS IMAGE GALLERY 17.09 - 20.09.2020 Images, I didn't write another function for transition
6 AJAX TYPE AHEAD 21.09 - 01.10.2020 All interface
7 ARRAY CARDIO DAY 2 05.10.2020 -
8 FUN WITH HTML5 CANVAS 06.10 - 07.10.2020 Background, pick color from palette, erase button
9 14 MUST KNOW DEV TOOLS TRICKS 11.10.2020 -
10 HOLD SHIFT AND CHECK CHECKBOXES 12.10 - 13.10.2020 -
11 CUSTOM HTML5 VIDEO PLAYER 16.10 - 21.10.2020 Video, fullscreen and exit button, dont show progress bar
12 KONAMI 24.10.2020 -
13 SLIDE IN ON SCROLL 26 - 27.10.2020 -
14 REFERENCE VS COPY 29.10.2020 -
15 LOCAL STORAGE AND EVENT DELEGATION 30.10 - 03.11.2020 Style of the page, checked styling
16 Mouse Move Effect 05 - 06.11.2020 -
17 Sorting Band Names 06.11.2020 Background, text
18 String Times with Reduce 09.11.2020 I added style
19 Unreal Webcam Fun 10 - 12.11.2020 Without rgb manipulation
20 Speech Recognition 13.11.2020 Add delete all button, some magic <3
21 Compass 15.11.2020 -
22 Follow Along Links 16.11.2020 Background, colors and coordinates code
23 Speech Synthesis 17 - 18.11.2020 -
24 Sticky Nav 20.11.2020 Background, change background image with clicking links
25 Event Capture 21.11.2020 Add click button with once:true att.
26 Dropdown 22 - 23.11.2020 Dont use nav coordinates, use click instead of mouseenter, add icons
27 Click and Drag 24.11.2020 Show anime and animations instead of numbers, hidden x-scrollbar, use display:flex instead of white-space: nowrap
28 Video Speed Controller 25.11.2020 Change position of bar, change all height variables with width variables, use click event instead of mouse move
29 Countdown Clock 27.11.2020 Use another button to set input value, background, change functions little bit
30 Whack a Unicorn 29.11.2020 Change svg images and game duration