
build an app completely scalable vertically and horizontally on top of a workflow managed by GCP using a kubernetes infrastructure design

Primary LanguageDIGITAL Command Language

kubernetes admin sample app version 1

what we are going to do? we will build an app completely scalable vertically and horizontally on top of a workflow managed by GCP using a kubernetes infrastructure design, so get tighten your belts and enjoy the learning situation.

K8s Flow Draw


There are a things you need to have configured in your machine to get the commands going right.

What you will do

Resume of all ours steps, we will:

  • Create a Cluster and a Node
  • Create a k8s infrastructure
  • Versioned we have a Dockerfile sample
  • Versioned we have an APP sample
  • Build a Workflow

Fork the project to configure a Cloud Version for your own use.

How to configure Kubernets on GCP

[k8s][GCP]Create a namespace for our test project

kubectl create namespace k8s-v1-admin
creating a cluster & nodes

[GCP]auto scalling vertical

gcloud container clusters create k8s-v1-admin  --labels=environment=production,v=1,operator=mesaquesilva --min-nodes=2 --max-nodes=13 --enable-autoscaling --node-labels=environment=production
About Kubernets and how to build our project (GCP|minikube)

[k8s]creating a controller

kubectl --namespace=k8s-v1-admin create -f k8s/deployment/admin-prod.yaml

[k8s]creating a service

kubectl --namespace=k8s-v1-admin create -f k8s/service/admin-prod.yaml

[k8s]scalling / horizontal (manual / automatic)

kubectl --namespace=k8s-v1-admin scale deployment/admin --replicas=6
kubectl --namespace=k8s-v1-admin autoscale deployment/admin --min=1 --max=15

[k8s]deploy/update image ( when editing change the commit hash )

kubectl --namespace=k8s-v1-admin edit deployment/admin
How to manager contexts

list context

kubectl config get-contexts

change context from GCP to minikube

kubectl config use-context minikube
How to configure your local minikube to access GCR

[k8s][minikube]Create namespace for our test project

kubectl create namespace k8s-v1-admin
  • Go to “IAM & Admin” section of the Google Cloud Console and select “Service Accounts”. Then click the “Create Service Account” button
  • select the option to “Furnish a new private key” with the “JSON” key type.
  • in role / papel select: roles/storage.objectViewer

Dont forget of change in this string where are you json key and mail

  1. RUN:
kubectl --namespace=k8s-v1-admin create secret docker-registry gcr-json-key \
          --docker-server=https://gcr.io \
          --docker-username=_json_key \
          --docker-password="$(cat ~/Downloads/somekey.json)" \
  1. RUN:
kubectl --namespace=k8s-v1-admin patch serviceaccount default \
          -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "gcr-json-key"}]}'
  1. Now you have access to your gcr images
kubectl --namespace=k8s-v1-admin create -f k8s/deployment/admin-prod.yaml
kubectl --namespace=k8s-v1-admin create -f k8s/service/admin-prod.yaml

get minikube project access url minikube --namespace=k8s-v1-admin service admin --url


list pods (gcp|minikube)

kubectl --namespace=k8s-v1-admin get pods

list services

kubectl --namespace=k8s-v1-admin get services

list deployments

kubectl --namespace=k8s-v1-admin get deployments