A simple way to send the security warnings from dump log of WP-Scan to your slack channel.
**Requires:**Slack Incoming WebHooks Integration configured in a channel.
**Requires:**WP-Scan configured and working in your machine
For use this shell script you first need configure the "app.conf" with your personal data.
export bot_user_name=SomeBOTname
export bot_avatar=https://example.com/some_picture.jpg
export slack_web_hook_url=https://hooks.slack.com/services/someToken
And you need set the absolute path of your wpscan.rb file
export wp_scan_path=/usr/share/wpscan/wpscan.rb
`./scan.sh 'http://example.com'` where 'http://example.com' is your WordPress target WebSite
There are unlimited uses for this script, you can put in a week cron for example, and every week all warnings of your web site will be sent to you.