This is the backend of the MES-CoBraD Data Analytics and Visualisation Module
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Python 3.10
Pycharm IDE
- Install Python3.10
- (Optional) Install Pycharm
- (Optional) Install latest version of docker (current ver.4.26.1)
- Clone this repository
- Pycharm IDE
- Get from VCS - Github - Select this repository
- cmd
git clone
- Pycharm IDE
- Create VENV
- Pycharm IDE
Follow pop-up
- cmd
python3 -m venv <myenvname>
- Install requirements
- Pycharm IDE
Navigate to requirements.txt and follow pop-up
- cmd
pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt
- Pycharm IDE
- Pycharm IDE
Edit configuraiton ->
uvicorn main:app --reload
- Docker
Follow docker deployement instructions below
Current branch: 'feat/unit_test' and 'dev' Testing running the following commands: Run pytest to run all testing files: (Might result to errors depending on final implementation of tests. Highly recommend to run files on their own)
To disable all warning run
pytest --disable-warnings
To run a specific testing file
pytest app/ --disable-warnings
- Prerequisites
- Clone latest branch: 'dev'
- Create the folder "neurodesktop-storage" in '/' or 'C:/'
- Create the folder "static" in the vm path in '/neurodesktop-storage' or 'C:/neurodesktop-storage'
- Start docker of all modules using the docker compose file found in project location 'data-analytics-and-visualisation-backend/docker/'
docker compose up -d --build
- Prerequisites
- Clone latest branch: 'prod_new'
- Create the folder "neurodesktop-storage" in the vm path '/home/ntua'
- Create the folder "static" in the vm path in '/neurodesktop-storage' or 'C:/neurodesktop-storage'
- Start docker of all modules using the docker compose file found in project location 'data-analytics-and-visualisation-backend/docker/docker_production'
docker compose up -d --build
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
Not currently following any including semver - will try to follow it.
- George Doukas - Dev - gd180
- Michael Kontoulis - Dev - Mikailo
- Loukas Ilias - Dev - loukasilias
- Theodoros Pountisis - Dev - Mikailo
- George Ladikos - Dev - Mikailo
- Christodoulos Santorinaios - Former Dev - csantor
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details