
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Install guide

The materials for the workshop and all software packages have been tested on Python 2 and 3 on the following three platforms:

  • Linux (Ubuntu-Mate x64)
  • Windows 10 (x64)
  • Mac OS X (10.15.7 x64).

The workshop depends on the following libraries/versions:

  • numpy>=1.19.5
  • pandas>=1.1.5
  • matplotlib>=3.3.4
  • jupyter>=1.0
  • seaborn>=0.11.1
  • pip>=21.0.1
  • geopandas>=0.8.2
  • pysal>=2.4.0
  • libpysal>=4.4.0
  • cartopy>=0.18.0
  • pyproj>=2.6.1
  • shapely>=1.7.1
  • geopy>=2.1.0
  • scikit-learn>=0.17.1
  • bokeh>2.3.0
  • mplleaflet>=0.0.5
  • datashader>=0.12.0
  • geojson>=2.5.0
  • folium>=0.12.1
  • statsmodels>=0.12.2
  • xlrd>=2.0.1
  • xlsxwriter>=1.3.7

Linux/Mac OS X

  1. Install Anaconda
  2. Get the most up to date version:

> conda update conda

  1. Add the conda-forge channel:

> conda config --add channels conda-forge

  1. Create an environment named gds:

> conda create --name gds python=3 pandas numpy matplotlib bokeh seaborn scikit-learn jupyter statsmodels xlrd xlsxwriter

  1. Install additional dependencies:

> conda install --name gds geojson geopandas mplleaflet datashader cartopy folium

  1. To activate and launch the notebook:
> source activate gds

> jupyter notebook


  1. Install Anaconda3-4.0.0-Windows-x86-64
  2. open a cmd window
  3. Get the most up to date version:

> conda update conda

  1. Add the conda-forge channel:

> conda config --add channels conda-forge

  1. Create an environment named gds:

> conda create --name gds pandas numpy matplotlib bokeh seaborn statsmodels scikit-learn jupyter xlrd xlsxwriter geopandas mplleaflet datashader geojson cartopy folium

  1. To activate and launch the notebook:
> activate gds

> jupyter notebook


Once installed, you can run the notebook test.ipynb placed under content/infrastructure/test.ipynb to make sure everything is correctly installed. Follow the instructions in the notebook and, if you do not get any error, you are good to go.