
The goal of this project is for a plasma user (or a plasma service provider) to be able to run on a server or its own computer a watcher that listen for any issue on the plasma chain and immediately react and exit the plasma chain or challenge invalid data

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Plasma service

The goal of this project is for a plasma user (or a plasma service provider) to be able to run on a server or its own computer a watcher that listen for any issue on the plasma chain and immediately react and exit the plasma chain or challenge invalid data


Based on https://github.com/omisego/elixir-omg/blob/master/docs/api_specs/status_events_specs.md#byzantine-events

Event Task Implementation
invalid_exit challengeStandardExit invalid-exit.yml
unchallenged_exit startInFlightExit TODO
invalid_block startInFlightExit TODO
block_withholding startInFlightExit TODO
noncanonical_ife challengeInFlightExitNotCanonical TODO
invalid_ife_challenge respondToNonCanonicalChallenge TODO


   +-------------------+               +-------------------+
   |                   |               |                   |
   |   Plasma Watcher  |               |  Plasma Contract  |
   |                   |               |                   |
   +-------------------+               +-------------------+
                |                                ^
                |                                |
           invalid_exit                  challengeStandardExit
                |                                |
                |                                |
                |    +------------------+        |
                +--->|                  |--------+
                     |  Plasma Process  |
                     |                  |
                     | PRIVATE_KEY      |

Start the Plasma Guard

If you don't already have mesg you should install and run it with:

npm i -g mesg-cli
mesg-cli daemon:start

more information

mesg-cli process:dev ./invalid-exit.yml \
     --env PLASMA_ABI="$(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/omisego/omg-js/v2.0.0-v0.2/packages/omg-js-rootchain/src/contracts/RootChain.json | jq .abi)"

Create an invalid exit

Check how to create an invalid exit