Gebeya talentmarketplace exam

This is an api for nodejs app as requested by Gebeya team. The API enlists ecommerce items and handles purchase details


The API has the following endpoints:

  • Endpoint to signup and login
  • Endpoint to create, update, view and delete a product item.
  • Endpoint to add items to cart, view and delete a product item from cart

Getting started

To run this api locally, do the following.

  • Clone the repository and change directory to the repository directory.
  • Create .env file and populate it as shown by the .env-sample
  • Build docker image by executing docker-compose build with the necessary permissions.
  • Start the image via docker-compose up

The API can be accessed via localhost:5000/api now.

Use the documentation guide for more information on how to test the endpoints. The API documentation can be found at /api-docs Note: You must signup first before accessing the product endpoints.


The API is built using:

  • MongoDB- for easier prototyping.
  • ExpressJs