
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


License: MIT Build Status Coverage Status

Ride-my-way App is a carpooling application that provides drivers with the ability to create ride offers and passengers to join the ride offers.

Api endpoints:

Endpoint Description
POST /auth/signup Register new user
POST /auth/login Login the user using this endpoint
POST /auth/login Reset user password
POST /api/v1//users/rides Add a new ride offer
GET /api/v1/rides retrieve all rides
GET /api/v1/rides/{ride_id} retrieve a single ride offer
POST /api/v1/rides/{ride_id}/requests Request to join a ride offer
GET /users/rides//requests Fetch all ride requests
PUT /users/rides//requests/ Accept/Reject a ride request

Getting started

The following is a guidelines to get started with this API


  • Install git if it is not installed in your machine.

  • Using your terminal run the following commands:

    - cd path/to/directory-of-your-choice
    - git clone https://github.com/meshack-mbuvi/ride-my-way-api.git
     - If you do not have [virtual environment](https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/stable/installation/), install one in your system.
    - cd to ride-my-way-api and execute the following commands:
        - $ virtualenv venv 
        - $ source venv/bin/activate
        - $ pip install -r requirements.txt
    - To run tests, do:
        - $ nosetests
    - Then run the app by executing:
        - $ python run.py
    - Install and open [Postman](https://www.getpostman.com/) to experiment with the given endpoints.
    - Point to `http://your-server/ride-my-way-api` from postman.
  • Open your favourite browser and point it to http://your-server/ride-my-way-api/ to experiment with the app.


If you want to contribute to this project:

* Fork the API!
* Clone it to your local machine
* Create your feature branch: ` git checkout -b my-new-feature`
* Commit your changes: ` git commit -am 'Add some feature' `
* Push to the branch: ` git push origin my-new-feature `
* Submit a pull request :D

Project Owner

Andela Kenya

Software Developer

Meshack Mbuvi