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Project Overview

This is an e-commerce system which allows users to search, add items to their shopping cart, create order and checkout successfully.

Technical details

Javascript - a high-level, interpreted programming language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification.
Mocha - A feature-rich JavaScript test framework running on Node.js
ExpressJs - Express.js, or simply Express, is a web application framework for Node.js designed for building web applications and APIs.
MySQL - an open-source relational database management system.

Patterns (MVC)

The MVC is an acronym for Model View Controller. This pattern is a software architecture pattern that separates data presentation from the logic of handling user interactions.

Model - deals with all the data-related logic that the user works with. Mostly implemented as the backend logic of an application. The models link the system with database for data persistence.

View - This can be implemented in the front-end using Javascript frameworks(React, Angular, etc). The API has routes which handle all incoming requests from clients and then direct them to the appropriate controllers.

Controllers - provide an interface between Model and View that processes all the business logic and incoming requests.

System architecture

Database: Stores data and persists it in the database. For this product, MySQL is used as the database. Mysql2: a MySQL client for Node.js with focus on performance. It interacts with the MySQL database by transforming ORM queries into SQL query statements. The SQL statements are then executed. Sequelize: a promise-based Node.js ORM for Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite and Microsoft SQL Server. Diagram

Features requirements

  • Users can view all items when entering the website
  • Items are displayed properly based on the selected department and category
  • Users can search items through search box
  • Support paging if we have too many items
  • Users can see item details by selecting a specific item
  • Users can add items to their shopping carts
  • Users can register/login using website custom forms, or social login libraries
  • Users can update personal profiles with shipping addresses and other info
  • Users can checkout with 3rd party payment gateways: Stripe
  • Users will get confirmations over emails about their orders

Run application locally

Install mysql database engine in your development server, then

Follow this guide to avoid known issues with the MySQL 8.*

  • Install MySQL engine and follow the steps specified below Open your terminal and execute the following:
  • mysql -u dbuser -p You will prompted to enter your password. Do so to log in.
  • Run create database turing;
  • create user turing@localhost identified by 'turing';
  • grant all privileges on turing.* to turing@localhost;
  • ALTER USER turing@localhost IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY "turing";
  • Close the terminal and execute the following command:
  • mysql -u turing -p -D turing< ./src/database/database.sql
  • Clone this repository and execute the commands:
  • cd turing-backend
  • Add a .env file in your root directory using the .env-sample Run the following commands while in the root directory of the project
  • npm install Installs the project dependencies
  • sequelize db:migrate This creates the required/missing schema
  • npm run start:dev to run the app in the development mode.
  • npm run start to run the app in the production mode. Open http://localhost:3003/api-docs to access the documentation in your browser

Access the live application here Note: Select the heroku api server from the dropdown.


Meshack Mbuvi