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The Android-Freckle Android app.

Project Setup

This project is built with Gradle, the Android Gradle plugin. Follow the steps below to set up the project locally.

  • Clone Android-Freckle inside your working folder.
  • Start Android Studio
  • Select "Open Project" and select the generated root Project folder.
  • Setup the Keystore configuration by following the steps below;
    1. Create an account in firebase if you do not own one
    2. Create an application an application.
    3. Follow the steps for setting up crashlytics on an android application.
    4. Download the google-services.json file and paste it in app/src folder.
    5. Run your application to make sure the application is connected to the firebase crashlytics

Running the application on an emulator or actual device

There can be many ways of running your application in Android Studio.

  • First off, lets check out running on an emulator

    • We shall start by installing the emulator into your android studio.

    Installing the Android SDK manager is the first step. Follow these steps to install the system image.

    1. Select Tools in the task bar.
    2. Go to SDK manager.
    3. Select the Android version. (Android 8.1 Oreo /API Level 27 or later).
    4. Click install.

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Java 8 SE

Java 8 SE(Java 1.8) is the current stable version used in the app. Download and install from here. Run java --version in your terminal to see which version of java you are using. In case you have multiple java versions installed, run /usr/libexec/java_home -V to see installed versions.(Check this thread in case you run into trouble while switching versions.)