- 5
- 2
MSVC 2022 compile error
#647 opened by hexabyte23 - 1
[Feature Request]: Make local MQTT meshtastic server discoverable in defined ways.
#639 opened by oiaohm - 1
- 1
Heartbeat should produce response
#630 opened by broglep - 2
[breaking] move `uplink_enabled` & `downlink_enabled` out of `ChannelSettings`
#395 opened by andrekir - 0
my first
#612 opened by The-Dealer07 - 2
[Feature Request]: Support hmc5883l & qmc5883l
#596 opened by unbelauscht - 3
[Feature Request]: Add a Node/Node user status to one of the periodic broadcast packets
#586 opened by NomDeTom - 5
- 1
[Feature Request]: Add RSSI to Neighbor
#460 opened by ajmcquilkin - 5
Re-using Tagged Versions
#556 opened by djekl - 0
Add support for RP2040_DIY variant
#468 opened by ponzano - 1
- 0
- 0
- 0
Add Mute to channel module config
#490 opened by garthvh - 0
Add Wind Speed to Environment Metrics, Remove Power
#491 opened by garthvh - 1
[Feature request]: Change position precision on geofence boundary ingress/egress
#463 opened by fumpT - 4
- 1
Add field to NodeDB entries indicating "favorite" status (which would also prevent them from DB removal
#429 opened by rlmalisz - 5
How to extract message id directly from protobuff?
#455 opened by lollo03 - 1
TTL on NodeDB[Feature Request]:
#445 opened by N1obu - 1
Bluetooth/Wifi Role Behavior Missing
#433 opened by charminULTRA - 3
Delete File by path admin message
#424 opened by garthvh - 1
- 1
- 5
[Feature Request]: New Lost and Found device role
#408 opened by tropho23 - 0
- 2
Add Telemetry Type: Compass
#325 opened by MisterRager - 1
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 0
Increase MQTT Password Length
#240 opened by garthvh - 9
Add Speed & Heading to GPS data
#165 opened by djscoutmaster - 0
Consistent enum naming
#186 opened by sachaw - 1
- 0
rename Routing.variant
#110 opened by sachaw - 2
GPS Improvements
#109 opened by sachaw - 1
Remove Canned Messages Parts 2-4
#179 opened by garthvh - 1
Create generic deviceRole field
#108 opened by sachaw - 1
Remove Analog Telemetry Environment Sensors
#178 opened by garthvh - 2
Region in is a reserved word in Swift
#163 opened by garthvh - 3
Rename and repurpose environmental plugin
#107 opened by sachaw - 8
AppOnly Proto Needs Refactor for 1.3
#155 opened by garthvh - 1
Restructure Channel Config
#139 opened by sachaw - 1
Serial module naming inconsistency
#123 opened by sachaw