
A repository of pico projects.


Link to your clone of this in one of two ways:

  1. Within ~/Library/Application Support/pico-8/config.txt, configure the root_path key:
root_path /Users/YOU/Library/Application Support/pico-8/carts/
  1. Create a symlink within ~/Library/Application Support/pico-8/carts to the directory of your clone.


Pico8: Pico8

Published Carts

Click the thumbnail to play the games for free on the Pico8 BBS!


Picotris Attack Pentomino Maze Burger Pushback Dead Man's Slope Pico De Pon
Picotris Attack Pentomino Maze Burger Pushback Dead Man's Slope Pico De Pon
source source source source source source
12/21/2015 2/12/2017 10/23/2016 5/7/2017 11/29/2017 04/07/2020

Utility Carts

  • Stdlib (basecode for our projects):
One Euro Filter Performance Tests Easing Function Gallery
One Euro Filter Performance Tests Easing Function Gallery
source source source
07/14/2017 10/4/2017 09/18/2017