
super landing page website template themes with vue 3 and bulma

Primary LanguageVue

vue 3 super landing page

Build with bulma and vue 3

If you need build using vue 2 download here https://github.com/mesinkasir/vuesuperlandingpage

Super landing page website themes template vue3

Demo : https://mesinkasironline.now.sh/

Documentation and live source code you can edit live on source code online editor in here https://www.hockeycomputindo.com/2021/02/super-landing-page-bulma-vue-themes.html

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free vue template themes landing page

header page area

free vue template themes landing page

product section

free vue template themes landing page

Other page

free vue template themes landing page

ANother page

free vue template themes landing page

Custom page

Need node npm install then run this source code website template vue super landing page

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.

Demo : https://mesinkasironline.now.sh/

Documentation and live source code you can edit live on source code online editor in here https://www.hockeycomputindo.com/2021/02/super-landing-page-bulma-vue-themes.html

Play Video demo