is a client-server based music player for Subsonic-compliant music servers.
Its interface is modelled after mpc
, the terminal control for the mpd
music server.
is not yet on, so installation is
currently done manually.
$ git clone
$ cd subs
$ cargo build --release
$ sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin
$ sudo cp ./target/release/subs /usr/local/bin/subs
- rust
- cargo
- some combination of GStreamer and plugins (yet to be confirmed; apologies)
creates a local daemon to handle playing music, sending requests to the
Subsonic server, and so on.
$ export SUBS_URL="<your Subsonic website>"
$ export SUBS_USERNAME="<your Subsonic user>"
$ export SUBS_PASSWORD="<your Subsonic password>"
$ subs daemon start
The daemon will start in the foreground on the current terminal. Starting the daemon without the above environment variables will connect you to the demo server at
$ subs help
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Sets the verbosity
add Add a song to the current playlist
addnext Add a song to play after the current song
clear Clear the current playlist
crop Remove all but the currently playing song
current Display the currently playing song
daemon Control the client daemon
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List information from the library
load Load a playlist as the current playlist
next Play the next song in the current playlist
pause Suspend playback of the current playlist
play Play the current playlist
prev Play the previous song in the current playlist
random Load a number of random songs
search Search the library; default returns only songs
shuffle Shuffle the curent playlist
status Display the status of the daemon
toggle Toggle between playing or paused states
update Initiate a scan of the library
Note that some of the functionality is not yet implemented, and new functionality will likely be added.
Examples of basic operations:
$ subs random 50 # adds 50 random songs to the queue
$ subs play
$ subs addnext bad micheal jackson
Adding Bad.
$ subs next
$ subs search micheal jackson # default only searches for songs
Panic! at the Disco feat. Lolo - Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die! [2013] - Miss Jackson
Michael Jackson - The Essential Michael Jackson [2005] - Smooth Criminal
The Jackson 5 - The Essential Michael Jackson [2005] - Enjoy Yourself
The Jackson 5 - The Essential Michael Jackson [2005] - Blame It on the Boogie
$ subs search -a micheal jackson # artists
Micheal Jackson
$ subs search -b micheal jackson # albums
Michael Jackson - The Essential Michael Jackson [2005]
Michael Jackson - XSCAPE [2014]
$ subs status
Micheal Jackson - Bad
[playing] #2/51 1:24/4:07 (33%)
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Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.