
S3 Proxy Mesos Framework

Primary LanguageScala

JSON Configuration

JSON routing configuration -- mapping prefixes in SSSP to buckets in S3 -- can
be `POST`ed to the root resource (`/`) as well as added to a configuration
file (`conf/s3.json` by default). The JSON configuration is a map of prefixes
to JSON objects containing a bucket name and AWS access credentials:

      "/downloads": {
        "s3": {
          "bucket": "files.example.com",
          "access": "....................",
          "secret": "........................................" }
      "/gifs/team": {
        "s3": {
          "bucket": "memes.example.com",
          "access": "....................",
          "secret": "........................................" }

The prefixes are always treated as though they started *and ended* with a
slash (though both slashes can be safely omitted from the configuration).
Thus, to obtain the S3 object `s3://memes.example.com/m/molly/glasses.gif`
given the above configuration, one would issue
`GET /gifs/team/m/molly/glasses.gif` to SSSP.