
Persistent collection types backed by implementations of the Mesos state API.

Primary LanguageScala

Mesos State Backed Collections

Persistent collection types backed by implementations of the Mesos state API.

API Usage Example (work-in-progress)

import akka.util.ByteString
import mesosphere.util.mesos.state.{ PersistentSet, WrappedState }
import org.apache.mesos.state.AbstractState
import scala.concurrent.Future

val state: AbstractState = // ...

case class Person(name: String, age: Int)

val personFormatter = new Formatter[Person] {
  def read(bytes: ByteString): Person = // ...
  def write(value: Person): ByteString = // ...

val wrappedState = WrappedState(state, formatter)

val people: PersistentSet[Person] = wrappedState.makeSet("people")

people ++= Seq(Person("Wayne", 23), Person("Garth", 24))

val result: Future[Try[Unit]]] = people.commit()

Implemented Collection Types

  • List
  • Set
  • String-keyed map

Collection storage schemes

  • Contiguous
  • Segmented