
A ReactJS CMS blog

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This CMS Blog was made with ReactJS + Redux.
For the backend Node.js + express was used.
MongoDB was used as database to store the posts and the users. Hosted at mlab.
Mongoose was used for MongoDB ORM.
By far the most complicated part was the authentication. For this I used JWT (JSON Web Token) strategy, with the help of passport.js package.

You can check it live here: https://mesq-react-blog.herokuapp.com

Getting Started

1 - Clone the project on your desired folder: $ git clone git@github.com:mesqfel/react-blog.git

2 - Navigate to the folder: $ cd react-blog

3 - Install dependencies: $ npm install

4 - Rename the file ".envexample" to ".env"

5 - Place your own configuration values in the new renamed ".env" file

6 - Rename the file "configexample.js" to "config.js"

7 - Place your secret - any random string is valid

8 - On folder /react-blog generate the bundle.js running: $ ./node_modules/.bin/webpack webpack -p

9 - Start mongodb running: $ mongod

10 - On folder /react-blog run: $ node server.js

11 - Visit http://localhost:8080

12 - If you have any trouble, email me: fe.mesquita88@gmail.com